Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava
(Redirectum de An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava)
An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava (scilicet "Commentarius de legatione ad regnum Ava"), est narratio a Michaele Symes conscriptum de legatione anno 1795 a Societate Indiarum Orientalium Mercatili Britannica missa ut inter gubernium Birmanicum et praepositos huius Societatis relationes mercatiles necnon diplomaticas institueret. Liber anno 1800 primum divulgatus est. Mox anno 1827 reimpressus est una cum novo commentario, ab Henrico Glassford Bell compositum, de primo bello Anglo-Birmanico quod annis 1824-1826 saevivit.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India in the year 1795, by Michael Symes, Major in His Majesty's 76th Regiment. Londinii: W. Bulmer & Co., 1800. Textus
- An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in the year 1795, by Michael Symes, to which is now added a narrative of the late political and military operations in the Birmese Empire [ed. Henry Glassford Bell]. Londinii: Constable, 1827. 2 voll. vol. 1 vol. 2 apud Google Books
- Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in MDCCXCV, by Lieut.-Col. Michael Symes, with additions by Henry Glassford Bell. Londinii: Constable, 1831. 2 voll. vol. 2 apud