Collegium Urbanum Neo-Eboracense

Collegium Urbanum Neo-Eboracense[1] seu Collegium Urbis Novi Eboraci[2] Anglice plene City College of the City University of New York, est maius Universitatis Urbis Novi Eboraci collegium publicum, Novi Eboraci in urbe situm.
Campus collegii, 35 agri (14 ha) modo Gothico Collegiato in colle super Harlem Manhatae iacens, spatium secundum Xystum Convent inter vias 130am ad 141am occupat.[3] Primum a Georgio B. Post architecto celebri, designatus est, ac multa ex eius aedificiis praeclara sunt. Collegium, aliquando "Harvardiana proletariatus" per ludibrium appellatum,[4] plus acceptores Praemii Nobeliano quam ulla universitas publica in Civitatibus Foederatis ad gradum admisit.[5] Inter hos alumnos decem, Arthurus Kornberg fuit ac recentissimus est Ioannes O'Keefe neuroscientista, Bronx in burgo natus (Praemium Novelianum Medicinae, 2004).[6]
Collegium, anno 1847 conditum, est prima ex liberis educationis superioris institutionibus publicis in Civitatibus Foederatis,[7] veterrima quoque ex viginti quattuor institutionibus eruditionis altioris Universitatis Urbis Novi Eboraci,[8] eiusque collegium maximi momenti late habita.[9]
Sententia collegii est "Respice, Adspice, Prospice"; colores sunt lavandulaceus et niger .
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Horatius Webster, 1847–1869
- Alexander S. Webb Generalis, 1869–1902
- Ioannes Huston Finley, 1903–1913
- Sidneius Eduardus Mezes, 1914–1927
- Fridericus B. Robinson, 1927–1938
- Harrius N. Wright, 1941–1952
- Buell G. Gallagher, 1953–1969
- Robertus Marshak, 1970–1979
- Bernardus W. Harleston, 1981–1992
- Yolanda T. Moses, 1993–1999
- Stanford A. Roman Jr., (interim) 1999–2000[10]
- Gregorius H. Williams, 2001–2009
- Robertus "Buzz" Paaswell (interim), 2009–2010 [11]
- Lisa S. Coico, 2010–2016
- Vincentius Boudreau (interim), 2016-present[12]
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ "Collegii Urbani Neo-Eboracensis" (cas. gen.): vide epistulam
- ↑ "Collegii Urbis Nov. Eborac." (cas. gen.): vide sigillum
- ↑ CCNY Tabula geographica campi.
- ↑ Admin, Website (30 Iunii 2015). "Our History - The City College of New York".
- ↑ "CCNY – An Experiment in Democracy Going Strong Over 160 Years Later." CCNY website press information.
- ↑ "John O'Keefe, Class of '63, Wins Nobel Prize".
- ↑ "The founding, in 1847, of the Free Academy, the very first free public institution of higher education in the nation." Situs Collegii Baruchiani.
- ↑ Index 24 institutionum.
- ↑ "CUNY Seeing Fewer Blacks at Top Schools". The New York Times. 10 Augusti 2006.
- ↑ Board Names CUNY Interim Chancellor as President of Brooklyn College, Designates Three Acting Presidents, Announces New Searches. . (City University of New York). 27 Augusti 1999.
- ↑ "CUNY Board Appoints Dr. Robert E. Paaswell Interim President of CCNY", News from the Chancellor, 29 Septembris 2009.
- ↑*/ The Adolph Lewisohn Plaza of Honor.]
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bederson, Benjamin. 2003. The Physical Tourist: Physics and New York City. Phys. perspect. 5:87–121.
- Bender, Thomas. 1987. New York Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in New York City, from 1750 to the Beginnings of Our Own Time. Novi Eboraci: Knopf. ISBN 0-394-55026-9.
- Chen, David W. 2016. Dreams Stall as CUNY, New York City's Engine of Mobility, Sputters. The New York Times, 28 Maii.
- Howe, Irving. 1982. City College and Beyond. In A Margin of Hope: An Intellectual Autobiography, capitulum 3, pp. 61–89. Novi Eboraci: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 0-15-157138-4.
- Pearson, Paul David. 1997. The City College of New York: 150 years of academic architecture.
- Roff, Sandra S., et al. 2000. From the Free Academy to Cuny: Illustrating Public Higher Education in New York City, 1847–1997.
- Rudy, Willis. 1949, 1977. College of the City of New York 1847–1947. The City College Press. Iterum impressus anno 1977, Arno Press.
- Traub, James. 1994. City on a Hill: Testing the American Dream at City College. Addison-Wesley.
- Van Nort, Sydney C. 2007. The City College of New York. Arcadia Press. ISBN 0-7385-4930-4.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]![]() |
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Collegium Urbis Novi Eboraci spectant. |
- Situs proprius.
- City College of New York. 1920. The College of the City of New York: Annual Register for 1920–1. City College of New York, December.
- CCNY Athletic Records.
- Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership.
- CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
- CCNY in Facebook.
- The Campus, diarium scholasticorum.
- Turres apud CCNY.
- CCNY in Youtube.