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(Redirectum de Disputatio:Fistula panis)

Fistula Panis

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Greetings Andrew. I just created ths article: Fistula panis, which is pan flute. I noticed after I was done that the name should be Fistula Panis, with major case of p, then it is Pan, a god in Greek mythology. May you change? Donatello (disputatio) 00:33, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Fistula panis significat fistula alimenti. panis enim est genitivus casus panis, non Pan,. genitivus casus Pan est Panos.

Fistula Panis ne veut pas dire la flûte de Pan mais la flûte de pain, car le génitif de pan est Panos;. En tout cas, c'est ce que dit mon dico. --Marc mage (disputatio) 00:48, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Fistula a Pane inventa syrinx appellatur, qua ex re commentationis titulus non "Fistula Panis" sive "Fistula Panos" sed "Syrinx" esse deberet. Fistulus Panis mihi verbum novatum esse videtur ad rem describendam (vel ad appellationes hodiernas vertendas).Utilo (disputatio) 09:48, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hanc disputationem non ad me pertinet, nisi fallor. Omnis Vicipaedianus paginas movere potest. Igitur ad paginam disputationis respectivam moveo. OK? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:26, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Salve. Addo declinationem genusque. Lexicon meum, lexicon Vilborgianum (editio secunda, 2009) dicit "sýrinx" est "syríngis" casu genetivo et feminine, et fístula -ae casu genetivo et quoque feminine.
Donatello (disputatio) 17:23, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Syrinx autem non est vocabulum Latinum antiquum; apud Lewis et Short solum invenio "Syrinx, A nymph changed into a reed" et "sȳringes, um, f., caverns or subterraneous passages".[1] Sed sub verbo fistula: "A reed-pipe , shepherd's pipe , pipes of Pan (made of several reeds gradually decreasing in length and calibre), the Greek σύριγξ, invented by Pan (syn.: tibia, sura)". Etiam lego apud Smith "When the Roman poets had occasion to mention it, they called it fistula (Verg. Ecl. 2.36, 3.22-Z2, 25-Z1; Hor. Od. 4.12, 10; Ovid, ZYY Ov. Met. 8.192, 13.784-Z2; Mart. 14.63; Tibull. 1.6, 30; Cic. de Orat. 3 .61, 225), et apud Harpers (Peck) "syrinx (σύριγξ). A Pan's pipe, called by the Romans harundo or fistula."[2] Itaque suadeo paginam moveatur, fortasse ad fistula (instrumentum musicum), fistula (musica), fistula (syrinx)... Lesgles (disputatio) 18:10, 26 Septembris 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Whatever is done, bear in mind that panpipes are composite flutes, of two kinds: raft panpipes, in which the pipes are tied in a row, and bundle panpipes, in which the pipes are tied in a bunch. Not unlike biological taxonomy, the scientific classification of musical instruments involves precise conceptual hierarchies. For example, 4 are aerophones, 42 are wind instruments proper, 421 are edge instruments (flutes), 421.1 are ductless flutes, 421.11 are end-blown ductless flutes, 421.112 are sets of such flutes (panpipes), 421.112.1 are open panpipes, 421.112.11 are open raft panpipes, 421.112.2 are open bundle panpipes, and 421.112.21 are stopped open bundle panpipes—or even more fully, sets of stopped open bundle end-blown ductless flutes. Latin will need to find terms for these distinctions (and hundreds of others). Which kind of panpipe is a fistula? Whee! IacobusAmor (disputatio) 19:07, 26 Septembris 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Harundo is plainly a reed, and that will not do for a set of pipes, in view of 412.1, idiophonic interruptive reeds, not to mention 422 (reedpipes), e.g. 422.1 (oboes in general), 422.111.2 (aulos & crumhorn), 422.112 (European oboe), 422.2 (clarinets in general), 422.211.2 (European clarinet), 422.212 (saxophone). and 422.3 (reedpipes with free reeds, common in Southeast Asia). All of those are reeds (harundines). IacobusAmor (disputatio) 19:15, 26 Septembris 2014 (UTC)[reply]