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Fasciculus:Burundi (orthographic projection).svg

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Sua resolutio (fasciculus SVG, nominale 550 × 550 elementa imaginalia, magnitudo fasciculi: 183 chiliocteti)

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English: Orthographic map of Burundi
Fons Opus proprium
Auctor Spesh531
Other versions

Derivative works of this file:  Africa (orthographic projection).svg

This is a Grey & green orthographic projection map.
العربية: الرجاء، قراءة الميثاق.
বাংলা: দয়া করে, রীতিনীতিটি পড়ুন
Deutsch: Bitte lies die Konventionen.
English: Please, read the conventions.
Español: Por favor, lea las convenciones.
Filipino: Paki-basa ang mga kumbensyon.
Français : S'il vous plaît, lisez les conventions.
हिन्दी: कृपया सभागमों को पढ़ लें.
Bahasa Indonesia: Silakan, baca konvensi.
Italiano: Si prega di leggere le convenzioni.
日本語: 規約をご確認ください。
ქართული: გთხოვთ, გაეცნოთ კონვენციებს.
Português: Por favor, leia as convenções.
Русский: Пожалуйста, прочитайте соглашения.
Українська: Будь ласка, прочитайте конвенції.
Tiếng Việt: Hãy đọc công văn trước khi đăng.
World maps


हिन्दी: अफ्रीका
ქართული: აფრიკა.

Eastern Africa

Southern Africa

Central Africa

Northern Africa

Western Africa


ქართული: ამერიკა.
हिन्दी: अमेरिका

North America

Central America


South America


ქართული: აზია.
Português: Ásia.
Українська: Азія.


Português: Ásia Oriental.
Українська: Східна Азія.


हिन्दी: मध्य एशिया
Português: Ásia Central.
Українська: Центральна Азія.


Bahasa Indonesia: Asia tenggara
Português: Sudeste Asiático.


(भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप)
Português: Sul da Ásia.
Українська: Південна Азія.


Português: Sudoeste da Ásia.
Українська: Передня Азія.


हिन्दी: यूरोप
ქართული: ევროპა.
Português: Europa.
Română: Europa.
Русский: Европа.
Українська: Європа.



हिन्दी: ओशिआनिया
ქართული: ოკეანეთი.
Português: Oceania.
Українська: Океанія.


Português: Intercontinental.
Українська: Міжконтинентальні.


English: Unions, Organizations, Kingdoms, Empires
Español: Uniones, Organizaciones, Reinos, Imperios
Filipino: Mga Unyon, Organisasyon, Kaharian, Imperyo
Français : Unions, Organisations, Royaumes, Empires
हिन्दी: संघ, संगठन, राज्य, साम्राज्य व ऐतिहासिक देश
ქართული: გაერთიანებები, ორგანიზაციები, სამეფოები, იმპერიები
Português: Estados extintos.
Tagalog: Mga Unyon, Organisasyon, Kaharian, Imperyo
Українська: Союзи, Організації, Королівства, Імперії


हिन्दी: उपराष्ट्रीय इकाईयाँ
SVG genesis
The source code of this SVG is invalid due to 98 errors.
This W3C-invalid world map was created with Inkscape.
Camera location0° 00′ 00″ N, 15° 00′ 00″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo

Potestas usoris

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses:
w:en:Creative Commons
attributio aequa parte
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Tibi licet:
  • communicare – copiare, distribuere et committere hoc opus
  • to remix – to adapt the work
His condicionibus:
  • attributio – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • aequa parte – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.
GNU head Licet hoc documentum exscribere vel distribuere vel demutare sub GNU Liberarum Litterarum Licentiae conditionibus in editione 1.2 aut in ulla editione recentiori a Fundatione Liberarum Programmationis Partium publicata; praeterquam Sectiones Immutabiles et Verba Involucra Adversa et Aversa. Licentiae exemplar praesto est in sectione intitulata GNU Free Documentation License.
Tibi typum permissionis ligere licet.


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depicts Anglica

copyrighted Anglica

29 Iunii 2012

media type Anglica


checksum Anglica


data size Anglica

187 389 byte

550 Pixel

550 Pixel

Historia fasciculi

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recentissima16:12, 29 Iunii 2012Minutum speculum redactionis 16:12, 29 Iunii 2012 factae550 × 550 (183 chiliocteti)Spesh531

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