Fasciculus:CHF100 8 front.jpg

Mensura huius perspectionis: 279 × 599 elementa imaginalia. Aliae mensurae: 111 × 240 elementa imaginalia | 345 × 741 elementa imaginalia.
Sua resolutio (345 × 741 elementa imaginalia, magnitudo fasciculi: 289 chiliocteti, typus MIME: image/jpeg)
Historia fasciculi
Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.
Dies/Tempus | Minutio | Dimensiones | Usor | Sententia | |
recentissima | 05:45, 16 Augusti 2018 | ![]() | 345 × 741 (289 chiliocteti) | Gr1 | Better image quality, same source |
09:05, 11 Aprilis 2016 | ![]() | 150 × 322 (50 chiliocteti) | Gestrandete 55-cm-Geschirrspülmaschine | Oversaturation corrected, saturation now compareable to banknotes of earlier series (http://www.snb.ch/de/iabout/cash/history/id/cash_history_serie8) | |
21:33, 2 Septembris 2006 | ![]() | 148 × 312 (15 chiliocteti) | Schutz | Front of the 100 Swiss Francs banknote. Part of the 8th series of Swiss Bank notes, issued in 1996. Downloaded from [http://www.snb.ch/e/banknoten/alle_serien/details/content_8_100_v.html], on the website of the Swiss National Bank. Edited to remove the |
Nexus ad fasciculum
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Usus fasciculi per inceptus Vicimediorum
Quae incepta Vici fasciculo utuntur:
- Usus in cs.wikipedia.org
- Usus in de.wikipedia.org
- Leonhard Euler
- 10. Oktober
- Gottfried Keller
- Arthur Honegger
- Le Corbusier
- Francesco Borromini
- Horace Bénédict de Saussure
- Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
- Guillaume Henri Dufour
- Jacob Burckhardt
- Albrecht von Haller
- Charles Ferdinand Ramuz
- Alberto Giacometti
- Conrad Gessner
- Auguste Forel
- Sophie Taeuber-Arp
- Schweizer Franken
- Portal:Schweiz/Galerie
- Portal:Kunst und Kultur/Archiv AdW
- Ernst Scheidegger
- Portal:Bildende Kunst/Exzellente Artikel
- Wilhelm Tell
- Portal:Schweiz/Galerie/Exzellent
- Portal:Bildende Kunst/Artikel des Monats/10
- Vorlage:Navigationsleiste Persönlichkeiten auf Schweizer Banknoten
- Wikipedia Diskussion:Hauptseite/Artikel des Tages/Archiv/Vorschläge/2016/Q1
- Wikipedia:Hauptseite/Archiv/11. Januar 2016
- Benutzer:Spucky123r/Portal:Schweiz/Galerie
- Usus in en.wikipedia.org
- Usus in eo.wikipedia.org
- Usus in fa.wikipedia.org
- Usus in fi.wikipedia.org
- Usus in gl.wikipedia.org
- Usus in he.wikipedia.org
- Usus in hr.wikipedia.org
- Usus in hu.wikipedia.org
- Usus in hy.wikipedia.org
- Usus in it.wikipedia.org
- Usus in ja.wikipedia.org
- Usus in ln.wikipedia.org
- Usus in nl.wikipedia.org
- Usus in nn.wikipedia.org
- Usus in pl.wikipedia.org
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