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Fasciculus:Kaernten CoA.svg

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Sua resolutio (fasciculus SVG, nominale 500 × 616 elementa imaginalia, magnitudo fasciculi: 105 chiliocteti)

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Čeština: Velký zemský znak rakouské spolkové země Korutany
Deutsch: Großes Kärntner Landeswappen, Österreich
English: Great coat of arms of the state of Carinthia, Austria
Italiano: Grande stemma dello Stato Federato della Carinzia, Austria
Français : Blason de l'état de Carinthie, en Autriche
Deutsch: selbst erstellt nach Vorlage des LGBl. Nr. 12/2003
English: own work, created after picture from LGBl. Nr. 12/2003 (state law gazette)
Auctor Unknown authorUnknown author
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Public domain
This image is in the public domain according to Austrian copyright law because it is part of a law, ordinance or official decree issued by an Austrian federal or state authority, or because it is of predominantly official use. (§7 UrhG)

To uploader: Please provide where the image was first published and who created it.

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This coat of arms was created with Inkscape.
Imago of the year
Imago of the year
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Vicimedia Communia

This file was a candidate in Picture of the Year 2006.
This formerly was a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and was considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.

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Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.


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depicts Anglica

7 Maii 2006

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Historia fasciculi

Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.

recentissima16:26, 15 Iulii 2022Minutum speculum redactionis 16:26, 15 Iulii 2022 factae500 × 616 (105 chiliocteti)Doc Taxoncorr. color bounds and revised
20:00, 10 Aprilis 2018Minutum speculum redactionis 20:00, 10 Aprilis 2018 factae500 × 616 (68 chiliocteti)FränsmerGleichmäßiger transparenter Rand ums Wappen. Helm angepasst.
19:51, 10 Aprilis 2018Minutum speculum redactionis 19:51, 10 Aprilis 2018 factae690 × 780 (71 chiliocteti)FränsmerDateigröße reduziert. Farbtöne angepasst
19:27, 7 Maii 2006Minutum speculum redactionis 19:27, 7 Maii 2006 factae690 × 780 (189 chiliocteti)Mglanznig{{wikipedia|lang=de|article=Kärntner Wappen|text=Kärntner Wappen}} ;Description : {{de|Großes Kärntner Landeswappen, Österreich}} {{en|Great coat of arms of the state of Carinthia, Austria}} ;Source : {{de|selbst erstellt nach Vorlage des LGBl. Nr. 1

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