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Fasciculus:Poher 1980s (cropped).jpg

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Français : Portrait d'Alain Poher dans les années 1980.
Fons https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/photo/portrait-of-alain-poher-ep-president-from-1966-to-1969_19000100_POHER_435
Auctor European Parliament
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: Poher 1980s.jpg
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European Union

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Historia fasciculi

Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.

recentissima14:10, 3 Decembris 2024Minutum speculum redactionis 14:10, 3 Decembris 2024 factae1 364 × 2 047 (2.75 megaocteti)Procrastineur49File:Poher 1980s.jpg cropped 54 % horizontally, 54 % areawise using CropTool with precise mode.

Ad hunc fasciculum nectit:

Usus fasciculi per inceptus Vicimediorum
