Fasciculus:Roman conquest of Italy.PNG
Mensura huius perspectionis: 550 × 600 elementa imaginalia. Aliae mensurae: 220 × 240 elementa imaginalia | 440 × 480 elementa imaginalia | 704 × 768 elementa imaginalia | 1 100 × 1 200 elementa imaginalia.
Sua resolutio (1 100 × 1 200 elementa imaginalia, magnitudo fasciculi: 125 chiliocteti, typus MIME: image/png)
Historia fasciculi
Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.
Dies/Tempus | Minutio | Dimensiones | Usor | Sententia | |
recentissima | 15:42, 27 Decembris 2018 | 1 100 × 1 200 (125 chiliocteti) | Hohum | Carthage not part of Roman conquest of Italy | |
18:28, 26 Novembris 2013 | 1 100 × 1 200 (111 chiliocteti) | Enok | Reverted to version as of 18:22, 17 October 2011 | ||
03:06, 23 Iunii 2013 | 1 100 × 1 200 (111 chiliocteti) | Enok | |||
01:28, 17 Novembris 2011 | 1 100 × 1 200 (111 chiliocteti) | OgreBot | (BOT): Reverting to most recent version before archival | ||
01:28, 17 Novembris 2011 | 1 100 × 1 200 (111 chiliocteti) | OgreBot | (BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2009-06-18 18:40:43 by Javierfv1212 | ||
01:28, 17 Novembris 2011 | 1 100 × 1 200 (96 chiliocteti) | OgreBot | (BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2009-06-18 01:10:30 by Javierfv1212 | ||
18:22, 17 Octobris 2011 | 1 100 × 1 200 (111 chiliocteti) | .marc. | {{Information |Description = Map of the Roman take over of Italy. |Source = Javierfv1212 created this work entirely by himself. Src: Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome, Nick Constable & Penguin Atlas of Ancient Rome. |D |
Nexus ad fasciculum
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Usus fasciculi per inceptus Vicimediorum
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- Usus in ar.wikipedia.org
- Usus in azb.wikipedia.org
- Usus in bg.wikipedia.org
- Usus in ca.wikipedia.org
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- Usus in cs.wikipedia.org
- Usus in cv.wikipedia.org
- Usus in da.wikipedia.org
- Usus in el.wikipedia.org
- Usus in en.wikipedia.org
- Roman Republic
- 264 BC
- 218 BC
- 500s BC (decade)
- Magna Graecia
- Outline of ancient Rome
- 338 BC
- 298 BC
- 272 BC
- 290 BC
- Samnite Wars
- Campaign history of the Roman military
- Pyrrhic War
- Two-front war
- List of Roman external wars and battles
- Picentes
- History of Rome
- User:Comic master/Rising Powers
- User:Fornadan/temp/overview
- Roman expansion in Italy
- Gnaeus Fulvius Maximus Centumalus
- Quintus Publilius Philo
- Spread of the Latin script
- User:KarenGrigMan/Roman Republic
- User:Falcaorib/Ancient Empires (300 BC-01 AD)
- Usus in eo.wikipedia.org
- Usus in es.wikipedia.org
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