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Fasciculus:Turtle golfina escobilla Oaxaca Mexico Claudio Giovenzana 2010.jpg

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العربية: لجأة ردلي الزيتونية تضع بيوضها على شاطئ في ولاية واهاكا بدولة المكسيك.
Čeština: Kareta zelenavá hnízdí v Escobille v mexickém státě Oaxaca
English: Olive ridley turtle nesting on Escobilla Beach, Oaxaca, Mexico
Esperanto: Testudo de la specio Lepidochelys olivacea, kovanta siajn ovojn en plaĝo proksime de Oaxaca, Meksiko
Español: Tortuga golvina (Lepidochelys olivacea) desovando en la playa de Escobilla, Mexico
Français : Une tortue olivâtre (Lepidochelys olivacea) prépare un nid sur la plage d'Escobilla, dans l'État d'Oaxaca au Mexique
Italiano: Tartaruga olivacea (Lepidochelys olivacea) che depone uova sulla spiaggia di Escobilla, Oaxaca, Messico
Македонски: Маслинеста желка (Lepidochelys olivacea) како несе јајца на плажата Ескобилја, Мексико.
Polski: Samica żółwia oliwkowego na plaży w Meksyku
Русский: Оливковая черепаха (Lepidochelys olivacea) копает гнездо для откладывания яиц на пляже Эскобийя, тихоокеанское побережье штата Оахака, Мексика
Українська: Оливкова морська черепаха або тихоокеанська черепаха Рідлі (Lepidochelys olivacea) копає гніздо. Пляж Ескобілья, штат Оахака, Мексика
Fons Claudio Giovenzana www.longwalk.it
Auctor Claudio Giovenzana
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If you are using my photo please email me at claudio.giovenzana@gmail.com In any case you have always to write my name close to the picture and my website (http://www.longwalk.it) as active link! But please, contact me anyway. You can see others works here in my website www.longwalk.it Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license below, as it is not in the public domain.

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depicts Anglica

copyrighted Anglica

8 Octobris 2010

exposure time Anglica

0.00301000009066265333 secundum

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focal length Anglica

50 millimetrum

ISO speed Anglica


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Historia fasciculi

Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.

recentissima10:01, 5 Maii 2014Minutum speculum redactionis 10:01, 5 Maii 2014 factae2 000 × 1 329 (2.64 megaocteti)Crisco 1492Reverted to version as of 13:02, 17 January 2011; please do not overwrite featured pictures
05:17, 5 Maii 2014Minutum speculum redactionis 05:17, 5 Maii 2014 factae2 560 × 2 048 (724 chiliocteti)BenisonHigher quality and resolution
13:02, 17 Ianuarii 2011Minutum speculum redactionis 13:02, 17 Ianuarii 2011 factae2 000 × 1 329 (2.64 megaocteti)Giovei've replace the old pict with a higher resolution version, in order to allow the image to partecipate to the "featured picture".
23:14, 13 Ianuarii 2011Minutum speculum redactionis 23:14, 13 Ianuarii 2011 factae1 600 × 1 063 (1.72 megaocteti)Giove{{Information |Description={{en|1=Olive ridley turtle nesting on escobilla, oaxaca}} {{es|1=tortuga golvina desovando en la playa de escobilla, mexico}} {{it|1=tartaruga golfina deponendo nella spiaggia di escobilla, oaxaca, messico}} |Source=Claudio Giov

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