Labor coacticius
(Redirectum de Labor coactus)
Labor coacticius[1] sive opera serva est labor servilis, in quem aliquis contra voluntatem, leges, et pietatem cogitur. Labor coactus ad servitutem et hominum mercatum pertinet. Huius generis servitus hodierna in Societatis Internationalis Laboris pactis et conventibus prohibetur.
Nexus interni
- Conventio de abrogatione laboris per vim
- Castra operaria
- Labor impuberum
- Mercatus hominum
- Servitus
- Servitus salariaria
- Societas Internationalis Laboris
- Usurpatio
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Vide disputationem.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Allen, Theodore W. 1994. The Invention of the White Race: Racial Oppression and Social Control. Novi Eboraci: Verso Books. ISBN 0860914801; ISBN 9780860914808, ISBN 086091660X; ISBN 9780860916604.
- Allen, Theodore W. 1997. The Invention of the White Race: The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America, 1997. Novi Eboraci: Verso Books. ISBN 1859849814; ISBN 9781859849811, ISBN 1859840760; ISBN 9781859840764.
- Bales, Kevin. 1999. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Berkeleiae: University of California Press. ISBN 0520224639.
- Blackburn, Robin. 1997. The Making of New World Slavery From the Baroque to the Modern, 1492–1800. Londinii: Verso Books. ISBN 1859841953; ISBN 9781859841952.
- Blackburn, Robin. 1988. The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776–1848. Londinii: Verso Books. ISBN 0860911888; ISBN 9780860911883; ISBN 0860919013; ISBN 9780860919018.
- Brass, Tom. 1999. Towards a Comparative Political Economy of Unfree Labour: Case Studies and Debates. London: Frank Cass Publishers. ISBN 0714649384; ISBN 9780714649382, ISBN 0714644986; ISBN 9780714644981.
- Brass, Tom. 2011. Labour Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century: Unfreedom, Capitalism and Primitive Accumulation. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004202474.
- Brass, Tom, Marcel Van Der Linden, et Jan Lucassen. 1993. Free and Unfree Labour. Amsterdam: International Institute for Social History. ISBN 9783906756875.
- Brass, Tom, et Marcel Van Der Linden. 1997. Free and Unfree Labour: The Debate Continues. Novi Eboraci: Peter Lang. ISBN 0820434248; ISBN 9780820434247.
- Hilton, George W. 1960. The Truck System, including a History of the British Truck Acts, 1465-1960. Cantabrigiae: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Reimpressus Londinii: Greenwood Press, 1975. ISBN 0837181305; ISBN 9780837181301.
- Lewis, James Bryant. 2003. Frontier Contact Between Choson Korea and Tokugawa Japan. Londinii: Routledge. ISBN 0700713018.
- Morales, A. Guijarro. 2001. El Síndrome de la Abuela Esclava. Pandemia del Siglo XXI (The Enslaved Grandmother Syndrome: a 21st century Pandemic). Granatae: Grupo Editorial Universitario. ISBN 9788484911241.
- Ruhs, Florian. 2011. Foreign Workers in the Second World War: The Ordeal of Slovenians in Germany. Aventinus Nova 32 (29 Maio).
- ILO Minimun Estimate of Forced Labour in the World. 2005.
- The Cost of Coercion ILO 2009.
- International Labour Office. 2005. A global alliance against forced labour.
- Operational Indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings. 2009. ILO/SAP-FL.
- Lists of indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings. 2009. ILO/SAP-FL.
- Eradication of forced labour: General Survey concerning the Forced Labour Convetion, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105). 2007. ILO.
- Forced Labour: Definition, Indicators and Measurement. 2004. ILO.
- Stopping Forced Labour. 2001. ILO.