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E Vicipaedia
(Redirectum de Mola venti)
Ventimola Aalten in Nederlandia hieme visa.
Ventimola smock? nomine Goliath pro fundo venti nomine Growind ad Eemshaven in Nederlandia.
Adumbratio organi Heronis Alexandrini, quod vi venti operabatur.

Ventimola[1] est mola quae energiam venti in energiam rotationalem convertit per vannos qui vela et palmae appellantur.[2][3] Usque ad saeculum undevicensimum vel adeo vicensimum, ad mola orefrumentum molendum, aquam hauriendam, vel usus ambos plerumque adhibebantur. Ventimolae ergo saepe fuerunt molae farinae, antliae venti, vel res ambae.[4] Maior pars ventimolarum hodiernarum formam habent turbinorum venti ad electricitatem generandam aut antliarum venti ad aquam hauriendam adhibitarum, aut ad terram siccandam aut ad aquam terrestrem extrahendam.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Chartrand. French Fortresses in North America 1535–1763: Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg and New Orleans.
  • Drachmann, A. G. 1961. Heron's Windmill. Centaurus 7.
  • Gregory, Roy. 2005. The Industrial Windmill in Britain. Phillimore.
  • Gregory, Roy, et Laurence Turner. 2009. Windmills of Yorkshire ISBN 978-1-84033-475-3.
  • Hassan, Ahmad Y., et Donald Routledge Hill. 1986. Islamic Technology: An illustrated history. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42239-6.
  • Hills, Richard Leslie. 1994. Power from wind: a history of windmill technology. Cantabrigiae et Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521413982.
  • Lohrmann, Dietrich. 1995. Von der östlichen zur westlichen Windmühle. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 77(1).
  • Needham, Joseph. 1986. Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 2, Mechanical Engineering. Taipei: Caves Books Ltd.
  • Shepherd, Dennis G. 1990 Historical Development of the Windmill. Ithacae Novi Eboraci: Cornell University Press. NASA Contractor Report 4337 DOE/NASA.5266-1.
  • Tunis, Edwin. 1999. Colonial living. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-6227-2.
  • Vowles, Hugh Pembroke. 19301931. An Enquiry into Origins of the Windmill. Journal of the Newcomen Society 11.