Timotheus Steele
(Redirectum de Timothaeus Steele)
Timotheus Steele (natus Burlingtoniae Montis Viridis anno 1948) est poeta et editor Americanus. Quia Steele metro et homoeoteleutone plerumque utitur, inter novos formalistas a multis putatur. Collectionum poematum quattuor binorumque librorum prosodiam tractantium auctor est: Missing Measures et All the Fun's in How You Say a Thing. Professor ab 1987 ad 2012 fuit in Universitate Civica Californiensi apud Angelopolim.[1]
Opera selecta
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Uncertainties and Rest. LSU Press, 1979.
- Sapphics against Anger and Other Poems. Random House, 1986.
- The Color Wheel. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
- Sapphics and Uncertainties. University of Arkansas Press, 1995.
- Toward the Winter Solstice. Ohio University Press/Swallow Press, 2006.
[recensere | fontem recensere]Bibliographia
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Aimone, Joseph O. 2003. Timothy Steele. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 282: New Formalist Poets, eds. Jonathan N. Barron etBruce Meyer. Farmington Hills Michiganiae: Gale.
- Brogan, T. V. F. 1993. New Formalism. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. Alex Preminger et T. V. F. Brogan. Princetoniae: Princeton Univ. Press.
- Imbarrato, Susan Clair. 2006. Timothy Reid Steele. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry, ed. Jeffrey Gray. Westport Connecticutae: Greenwood Press, vol. 5, p. 1522.
- Shaw, Robert B. 2000. Prosody for the People. (Retractatio.) Poetry, September.
- Walzer, Kevin. 1996. The Poetry of Timothy Steele. The Tennessee Quarterly, Winter.
- Wilson, James Matthew. 2021. Timothy Steele: A Critical Introduction. Story Line Press.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Situs proprius.
- Biographia. Academia Poetarum Americanorum.
- Durkin, Kevin. Colloquium interrogatorium.
- Haven, Cynthia L. 2000. Colloquium interrogatorium. Cortland Review, Iunio.