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Primae vitae terrestris formae notae sunt coniecturabiles microorganismi fossilizati, in praecipitis ex foraminibus hydrothermalibus visi, qui abhinc annorum 4.28 billiones vixisse possunt, mox post aevum abhinc annorum 4.41 billiones, cum oceani primum facti essent, et quidem mox post tellurem formatam, abhinc annorum 4.54 billiones.[1][2]
Stromatolites Praecambrianae in Formatione Siyeh, Glacier National Park. Anno 2002 Gulielmus Schopf, investigator in UCLA, commentarium divulgavit in Nature (periodico), qui arguit formationes geologicas sicut haec formatio habere 3.5 Ga (abhinc annorum 3.5 billiones) microbia cyanobacteria fossilizata?. Si hoc propositum est verum, ea sunt indicia primae vitae terrestris notae.

Abiogenesis, vel biopoiesis,[3] vel vulgo origo vitae,[4][5][6] in biologia evolutionaria est ratio naturalis, per quam vita biologica, sicut composita organica, ex materia inorganica exoritur. Studium autem abiogenesis praesertim ad rationes, quibus vita in terra oriri potuit spectat.[7][5][8][9]

Nexus interni

  1. Dodd, Matthew S.; Papineau, Dominic; Grenne, Tor; Slack, John F.; Rittner, Martin; Pirajno, Franco; O'Neil, Jonathan; Little, Crispin T.S. (1 Martii 2017). "Evidence for early life in Earth's oldest hydrothermal vent precipitates". Nature 543 (7643): 60–64 .
  2. Zimmer, Carl (1 Martii 2017). "Scientists Say Canadian Bacteria Fossils May Be Earth's Oldest". The New York Times .
  3. Bernal 1960: 30.
  4. Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1938). The Origin of Life. Phoenix Edition Series (secunda ed.). Mineolae Novi Eboraci: Courier Corporation (published 2003). ISBN 978-0486495224 .
  5. 5.0 5.1 Peretó, Juli (2005). "Controversies on the origin of life". International Microbiology 8 (1): 23–31 .
  6. Compare: Scharf, Caleb (18 Decembris 2015). "A Strategy for Origins of Life Research". Astrobiology 15 (12): 1031–1042 
  7. Oparin 1953, p. vi.
  8. Warmflash, David; Warmflash, Benjamin (November 2005). "Did Life Come from Another World?". Scientific American 293 (5): 64–71 
  9. Yarus 2010, p. 47.


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