
Anthropocaenum[1] aevum geologicum auctore Paulo Iosepho Crutzen esse proponitur, Holocaeni successor, cuius inceptio esset annus ille, a quo evolutio Telluris oecosystematisque climatica, chemica, physica, biologica magnopere ab hominibus[2] afficitur. Inceptio huius aevi saepe die 16 Iulii 1945 indicatur (annis aliis ab eruditis aliis suggestis) quo primum fissionis nuclearis experimentum, Trinity appellatum, in Novo Mexico actum est. Hoc propositum usque adhuc neque apud Commissum stratigraphicum internationale neque apud Unionem internationalem scientiarum geologicarum rite receptum est.
[recensere | fontem recensere]Bibliographia
[recensere | fontem recensere]- James R. Allan et al., "Hotspots of human impact on threatened terrestrial vertebrates" in PLOS Biology (12 Martii 2019)
- Damian Carrington, "Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn" in The Guardian (10 Iulii 2017)
- Damian Carrington, "H-bombs or chicken bones: the race to define the start of the Anthropocene" in The Guardian (6 Ianuarii 2023)
- Erle C. Ellis, "Anthropogenic transformation of the terrestrial biosphere" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (13 Martii 2011)
- Erle C. Ellis, Erica C. Antill, Holger Kreft, "All Is Not Loss: Plant Biodiversity in the Anthropocene" in PLOS One (17 Ianuarii 2012)
- Clinton N. Jenkins, Stuart L. Pimm, Lucas N. Joppa, "Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation" in PNAS vol. 110 (9 Iulii 2013) pp. E2602-E2610
- Adam R. Martin et al., "Regional and global shifts in crop diversity through the Anthropocene" in PLOS One (6 Februarii 2019)
- Juan Carlos Rocha, Garry D. Peterson, Reinette Biggs, "Regime Shifts in the Anthropocene: Drivers, Risks, and Resilience" in PLOS One (12 Augusti 2015)
- Mark Williams, Jan Zalasiewicz, Alan Haywood, Mike Ellis, The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?: fasciculus specialis Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (13 Martii 2011)
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[recensere | fontem recensere]- "The Anthropocene" apud Geological Society