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Catiline's Conspiracy (Jonson)

E Vicipaedia

Catiline's Conspiracy est ludus scaenicus a Beniamino Jonson anno 1611 doctus eodemque anno divulgatus.

Nexus externi

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  • Textus apud The Holloway Pages
Catiline's Conspiracy : Index personarum
Beniaminus Jonson
Beniaminus Jonson

Verba quae insequuntur vicificanda sunt ut rationibus qualitatis et Latinitatis propositis obtemperent. Quaesumus ut paginam emendes.

S Y L L A' S G H O S T. C A T I L I N E. G A B I N I U S. C Æ S A R. L E N T U L U S. S T A T I L I U S. Qu. C I C E R O. C E T H E G U S. C E P A R I U S. S Y L L A N U S. C U R I U S. C O R N E L I U S. F L A C C U S. A U T R O N I U S. V O L T U R T I U S. P O M T I N I U S. V A R G U N T E I U S. C I C E R O. S A N G A. L O N G I N U S. A N T O N I U S. S E N A T O R S. L E C C A. C A T O. A L L O B R O G E S. F U L V I U S. C A T U L U S. P E T R E I U S. B E S T I A. C R A S S U S. S O L D I E R S. A U R E L I A. G A L L A. S E R V A N T S. F U L V I A. P O R T E R. P A G E S. S E M P R O N I A. L I C T O R S. C H O R U S

Opera Beniamini Ionsonii
Titulus editionis in folio anno 1616 divulgatae
Titulus editionis in folio anno 1616 divulgatae

Ludi scaenici: A Tale of a Tub  · The Case is Altered  · Every Man in His Humour  · Every Man out of His Humour  · Cynthia's Revels  · Poëtaster  · Sejanus's Fall  · Eastward Ho  · Volpone  · Epicoene  · The Alchemist  · Catiline's Conspiracy  · Bartholomew Fair  · The Devil is an Ass  · The Staple of News  · The New Inn  · The Magnetic Lady  · The Sad Shepherd  · Mortimer's Fall
Ludi personati: The Coronation Triumph  · The Penates  · The Satyr  · The Masque of Blackness  · Hymenaei  · The Hours  · The Masque of Beauty  · The Masque of Queens  · The Hue and Cry after Cupid  · The Entertainment at Britain's Burse  · The Lady of the Lake  · Oberon  · Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly  · Love Restored  · A Challenge at Tilt  · The Irish Masque at Court  · Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists  · The Golden Age Restored  · Christmas's Masque  · The Vision of Delight  · Lovers Made Men  · Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue  · News from the New World Discovered in the Moon  · The Newcastle Entertainment  · Pan's Anniversary  · The Gypsies Metamorphosed  · The Masque of Augurs  · Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours  · Neptune's Triumph  · The Masque of Owls  · The Fortunate Isles and Their Union  · Love's Triumph Through Callipolis  · Chloridia  · The King's Entertainment at Welbeck  · Love's Welcome at Bolsover
Carminum collectanea: Epigrams  · The Forest  · To Penshurst  · A Discourse of Love  · The Execration against Vulcan  · Underwoods  · On My First Sonne  · To Celia
Singula poëmata selecta: "Doing, a filthy pleasure is, and short"  · "To the memory of my beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakespeare"
Versiones: Argenis  · Horace's Art of Poetry
Alia opera: English Grammar  · Timber


Haec stipula ad litteras spectat. Amplifica, si potes!