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Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery

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Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery (1668): frontispicium et titulus

Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery est liber de pharmacia et destillatione, e manuscriptis seu schedis Kenelmi Digby paratus. Auctore anno 1655 mortuo, permissione filii eius editio anno 1668 ab amanuensi Georgio Hartman confecta est. Idem anno 1682 florilegium divulgavit praecepta selecta tam ex hoc libro quam ex The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digbie Opened comprehendens.

George Hartman, ed., The True Preserver and Restorer of Health (1682): titulus
  • 1668 : Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities. Londinii: Henry Brome textus alibi
  • 1672-1676 : Medicina Experimentalis Digbaeana, das ist Außerlesene und bewährte Artzney-Mittel auß Weiland Herrn Grafen Digby ... Manuscriptis. 2 voll. Francofurti: in Verlegung Johann Peter Zubrodts catalogus vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1675 : Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities. 2a ed. Londinii: Henry Brome Textus Editio interretialis
  • 1682 (florilegium) : George Hartman, ed., The True Preserver and Restorer of Health, being a choice collection of select and experienced remedies for all distempers incident to men, women, and children. selected from and experienced by the most famous physicians and chyrurgeons in Europe, together with excellent directions for cookery ... with the description of an ingenious and useful engin for dressing of meat and for distilling th[e] choicest cordial waters with-out wood coals, candle or oyl; published for the publick good. Londinii (Textus apud Google Books) editio interretialis


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  • Jane Stevenson, Peter Davidson, edd., The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened (1669) ... with introduction, notes and appendices (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1997. ISBN 978-0-907325-76-5) pp. xxxviii-lii