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Christianus Gholson

E Vicipaedia

Christianus Gholson (Anglice Christien Gholson) est auctor Americanus et scriptor mythistoriae A Fish Trapped Inside the Wind et scriptor On the Side of the Crow, libri in poematis prosaicis conectis consistentis. Iuvenis in familia Classis Civitatum Foederatarum in Italia, Florida, et Belgio habitavit. Universitatem Naropanam et Universitatem Californiae Davis frequentavit. Sua opera in magazinis parvis apparuerunt, inter quas Alaska Quarterly Review, Cimarron Review, Hanging Loose, The Sun, Quarterly West, et Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet sunt.[1] On the Side of the Crow, suus primus poesis liber (2006), approbationem criticam accepit.[2] A Fish Trapped Inside the Wind, sua mythistoria prima (Parthian Books, 2011) recognitionem stellatam ex Booklist accepit.[3]

  1. "Christien Gholson". Parthian Books .
  2. On the Side of the Crow (Brooklyn Novi Eboraci: Hanging Loose Press, 2006).
  3. "A Fish Trapped Inside the Wind". Booklist Online. Booklist Publications .