De rebus Alexandri Magni (Callisthenes)
De rebus Alexandri Magni (Graece Τὰ κατ' Ἀλέξανδρον) fuit opus a Callisthene Olynthio ante annum 328 a.C.n. scriptum, hodie deperditum, de rebus gestis Alexandri Macedonis. Fragmenta huius operis fere 11 a scriptoribus variis excerptae nobis servantur.
Haec enumeratio fragmentorum ex editione Felicis Jacoby demitur:
- FGrHist 124 F 28: Strabo, Geographica 13.1.13
- 29: Strabo, Geographica 13.4.8
- 30: Strabo, Geographica 14.1.7
- 31: Scholia T Eustathiana in Homeri Iliadem 13.29
- 32: Strabo, Geographica 14.4.1
- 33: Strabo, Geographica 13.4.6; cf. fr. 39 e Callisthenis Periplo (Scholia in Apollonium Rhodium 1.211)
- 34: Phot. Suid. s.v. Σαρδαναπάλους
- 35: Polybius, Historiae 12.17-22
- 36: Plutarchus, Vita Alexandri 33
- 37: Plutarchus, Vita Alexandri 33
- 38: Strabo, Geographica 11.14.13
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Editiones fragmentorum
- Fridericus Dübner, Carolus Mullerus, edd., Arriani Anabasis et Indica; reliqua Arriani et scriptores de rebus Alexandri Magni; Pseudo-Callisthenis historia fabulosa (Parisiis: Didot, 1846) Textus fasc. 2 pp. 17-28 (vide pp. 387-398 versionis (Graece, Latine)
- Robertus Geier, Alexandri M. historiarum scriptores aetate suppares (Lipsiae: Gebauer, 1844) pp. 191-272 (Graece, Latine) Textus
- Felix Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 1923- ) no. 124. Kommentar (1930) pp. 411-432
- C. A. Robinson Jr, Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1947) pp. 45-77 (Anglice)
- Eruditio
- E. Badian, recensio operis Pearson (1960) in Gnomon vol. 33 (1961) pp. 660-667; reimpressa in E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Roman history (Oxoniae: Blackwell, 1964) pp. 250-261
- A. B. Bosworth, E. J. Baynham, edd., Alexander the Great in fact and fiction (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2000)
- S. Burstein, "Alexander, Callisthenes and the sources of the Nile" in Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies vol. 17 (1976) pp. 135-146
- Marie Louise Chaumont, "Callisthenes" in Encyclopaedia Iranica Online (Anglice)
- J. R. Hamilton, Plutarch: Alexander. A commentary (Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1969) pp. liii-liv
- Robert D. Milns, "Callisthenes on Alexander" in Mediterranean Archaeology vol. 19/20 (2006/2007) pp. 233–237 JSTOR
- Lionel Pearson, The lost histories of Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1960) pp. 22-49
- Paul Pédech, Historiens compagnons d'Alexandre (Lutetiae, 1984) pp. 15-69
- Luisa Prandi, Callistene: uno storico tra Aristotele e i re macedoni. Mediolani: Jaca, 1985
Nexus interni
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