- "Vir Germanus, qui appellatus est Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegelius, scripsit librum philosophi (in 1812-16). Hic liber, qui appellatur "Scientia Dialectorum," de historia et de rebus publicis erat."
Does this belong in an article about 1807? Famour births, famous deaths, but not some random Hegelian point of obscurity? What do y'all think?--Ioshus Rocchio 13:26, 15 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- In my opinion the year pages should be just pointers to content which is generally kept on the article's page. The information should be just a teaser. So I think the content should be moved.
- Should it be re-moved? For me it would be ok to put it with a comment on the talk page of maybe Hegel's article. The discussion there - if it ever will take place - will show if the content should be moved from the talk page to the article's page. Then an additional history entry on the year's page would be ok, I think.
- I think on year's pages we should avoid disputed information.
- BTW, I think this discussion (about year's pages) should be moved to the Vicipaedia namespace, maybe to something like "Vicipaedia:Paginae annorum" or "Vicipaedia:Annales"? ;-)