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Disputatio:Antiquitas posterior

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Antiquitas posterior fuit pagina mensis Iunii 2011.

Cur scribis "Posterior" cum littera maiore? - Golradir 20:27, 22 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Fortasse morem Anglicum secutus? Mutabo. --Neander 23:06, 22 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Constantinus I: "stipendia hominibus, qui Christiani nondum erant, imposita sunt" - I've never heard of that; is there any (credible) source? (but maybe I've misunderstood your sentence!).--Utilo 19:34, 16 Iunii 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Me neither. Here's what I found: according to Libanius Constantine confiscated temple property, without closing them (Oratio 30,6; 30,37). According to Eusebius he gave the highest positions to Christians and released a law against pagan sacrifices (Vita Constantini 2,45,1).--Chris1981 15:29, 14 Augusti 2011 (UTC)[reply]