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Disputatio:Ars viaria

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"ars urbana est motus artificiosus..."="urbane skill/art is artficial movement/motion..."-- 12:53, 13 Septembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Anglicum: "Street art is any art developed in public spaces," quod fortasse = Ars viaria est quaelibet ars in propatulis exhibita. One doubts that "developed" is the best concept in the English, since street art could well be developed (conceived, excogitated, planned) in private. Also, the notion of "public spaces" includes exteriors & interiors of sacred & secular public buildings (e.g., churches & libraries), many of which were & are ornamented by art—but not of the kind said to be "street art." IacobusAmor 13:11, 13 Septembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I got ars urbana from the Spanish/Portuguese/French expressions, which I found more appropriate since it's not necessarily done in a street, as such. I wouldn't mind if it was changed as per the English one, though. Also, I got motus from Motus romanticus, so if we decide against that word for 'movement', we'd need to check out that page as well... Mattie 15:43, 13 Septembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Where did you get the idea of a "movement" (as part of the definition) from? ¶ The Spanish wiki specifically says the term was originally English: street art.Urbanus presents two difficulties: (1) most important artists throughout the past many hundreds of years have lived in cities and can rightly be called urban ; (2) according to Cassell's, the adjective urbanus easily gets extended to mean 'refined in manner, elegant' and 'urbane', somewhat different from the rough-and-ready ethos of street art. IacobusAmor 16:40, 13 Septembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I got "movement" from the French article: "Le street art ou art urbain est un mouvement artistique." Also, the Italian aticle has a section called "Movimento street art in Italia," and the Portuguese refer to it as an "underground movement." I think referring to street art as a movement's nice, as it is something that's been growing, right? Of course, it's always existed, but street artists weren't selling for a million dollars before, as one of them's now doing. Also, art supplies (spray paint, etc) are cheaper and more available to the public than during, say, the Renaissance. What do you think?
As I said, I have no objection with something like ars viaria. :) Mattie 21:35, 13 Septembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]