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Disputatio:Aulaeum ferreum

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Aulaeum contra cortinam

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The Latin word aulaeum is definitely a good word for English “curtain”, however the Latin word cortina(en) – although not exactly classical – meant “curtain” already in the Vulgate (cfr. “decem cortinae de bysso retorta” in Vulg. Exod. 26, 1). And so, cortina is the word used in Spanish (es:Cortina de Hierro), Italian (it:Cortina di ferro) and Portuguese (pt:Cortina de Ferro) for “Iron Curtain”.

I am perfectly aware that Cicero would not have used cortina, however I was wondering if a case like this, in which several languages use a word derived from your language to mean something, a word that you understand, might justify adopting a less favourite word for the sake of international understanding and uniformity (i.e. cortina instead of aulaeum). I am basically wondering if we should treat cortina as an Interlingua word and not just as a Latin word. --Grufo (disputatio) 18:20, 21 Maii 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Thomas Pekkanen, ornatissimus Latinitatis professor et olim praeses Academiae Latinitati Fovendae, locutionem "aulaeum ferreum"  hic attestatur. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 20:22, 21 Maii 2023 (UTC)[reply]
"Aulaeum ferreum" pluribus fontibus satis bonis attestatur. Haud intellego, quomodo propositio "cortinae ferreae", sine fontibus, cum politia Vicipaediarum congruat. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:39, 22 Maii 2023 (UTC)[reply]
It was more me thinking out loud… Indeed, everything is true about attestations. And what goes even more against cortina ferrea is that it appears in a book from 1790 with the meaning of “iron pot” (p. 519): “si hic fragmentis lichenis conspersus in cortina ferrea coquitur” (which is probably the most immediate meaning that a Roman would have understood). --Grufo (disputatio) 23:58, 22 Maii 2023 (UTC)[reply]