Disputatio:Character Sinicus
- Nota Sinica or Scriptura Sinica? Unfortunately, Litterae Sinicae is taken by Chinese literature.--Ceylon 11:50, 13 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- Either Character sinicus or Typus sinicus would be better. They are not notes and writing is too general. THe page is about the characters per se I think the first of the two is better.--Rafaelgarcia 05:36, 20 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- Nota can be any sign or letter, not just a note. I cannot find character or typus attested for forms of writing. Egyptian hieroglyphs are called formarum notae hieroglyphicae by Amm. 17.4.8, litterae hieroglyphicae by Macr. sat. 1.21.12. Littera Sinica in the singular might be an option.--Ceylon 10:15, 20 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- How about "Litteratura Sinica" (meaning the chinese system of letters)?
- Hofmann's Lexicon on Sinae says: "...Lingua Sinica ex vocibus mere monosyllabis ut plurimum constat, sua tamen cuique provinciae peculiaris dialectus est. Scriptura a superiori loco deorsum precedit, et quilibet character, more Hieroglyphicorum apud aegyptios veteres, rem integram exprimit...." which clearly calls the characters "characteres".--Rafaelgarcia 02:25, 21 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- Nota can be any sign or letter, not just a note. I cannot find character or typus attested for forms of writing. Egyptian hieroglyphs are called formarum notae hieroglyphicae by Amm. 17.4.8, litterae hieroglyphicae by Macr. sat. 1.21.12. Littera Sinica in the singular might be an option.--Ceylon 10:15, 20 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- Either Character sinicus or Typus sinicus would be better. They are not notes and writing is too general. THe page is about the characters per se I think the first of the two is better.--Rafaelgarcia 05:36, 20 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)