Disputatio:Circuitus electricus
intended meaning
[fontem recensere]Talis retis in summa, non est linearis et poscit ferramenta a ? cogitationem ? et indagationem ? quae machinatores facultates dant praedicare magnitudinem voltarum currrentiumque in alicubi? puncto in circuitu.
Such a network, in general/ short, is not linear and requires tools to understand and investigate which gives engineers the ability to predict the voltage and current magnitude at any point in the circuit. --Jondel 05:55, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Perhaps:
Haec retis quae brevis sed non linearis est, instrumenta postulat quae machinatoribus facultates dant in omnibus circuiti locis magnitudinem voltarum cursuumque praenuntiare.
Excellent!--Jondel 08:31, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]- we have a problem currens non est verbum Latinum according to Castiglioni, Aloisius; Mariotti, Scaevola. Vocabolario della lingua latina, latino-italiano, italiano-latino. Quarta editio a Petro Georgio Parroni curata (Taurini, 2007)., perhaps we should substitute it with cursus or better ask the other friends in the taberna how to translate this word in Latin.
- Ok. But they would probably agree to cursus so, maybe it would be ok to move it ourselves.--Jondel 08:29, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- But couldn't this be confused with the idea of 'mail'.--Jondel 08:32, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- We have a lesser problem also with componens, in Latin componens is only a verb in Castiglioni compōno, is, pŏsŭi, pŏsĭtum, ĕre, 3 tr1 mettere insieme, cioè: accostare, mettere a contatto una cosa con un'altra: componens manibus (dat.) manus, mettendo a contatto mani con mani,--Helveticus montanus 06:24, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Perhaps we can change this to elementa?--Jondel 13:07, 19 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- we have a problem currens non est verbum Latinum according to Castiglioni, Aloisius; Mariotti, Scaevola. Vocabolario della lingua latina, latino-italiano, italiano-latino. Quarta editio a Petro Georgio Parroni curata (Taurini, 2007)., perhaps we should substitute it with cursus or better ask the other friends in the taberna how to translate this word in Latin.
Cursus electronicus
[fontem recensere]I would like to move this article to the above title as per above discussion. Feel free to do it or suggest a better title. Mutare velim ad titulum suprum. --Jondel 08:29, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)--Jondel 09:07, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Dear Jondel there is a missunderstanding circuitus is a good translation for the new word circuit, circuito etc. , always from Castiglioni:
- circŭĭtŭs, ūs, m., 1 il girare intorno, giro: longo circuitu, con un lungo giro, CAES. e a.; pons magnum circuitum habebat, il ponte richiedeva un lungo giro, CAES. B. C. 1, 63, 2; milium amplius quinquaginta circuitu, con un giro, facendo un giro di più di 50 miglia, CAES. B. G. 1, 41, 4; rotazione degli astri, CIC. e a.; per meton., circuito, circonferenza, perimetro: vallum in circuitu XV milium, palizzata di 15 miglia di circonferenza, CAES. B. G. 2, 30, 2; minorem circuitum habebant, avevano un perimetro meno esteso, CAES. B. C. 3, 44, 5;
- is the word currens which does not exit. Therefore I wouldn't change the title of the page.--Helveticus montanus 08:36, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]'path' is the intended meaning.--Jondel 06:06, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC). I found it semita in Italian sentiero. Thank you very much I have learned an other word--Helveticus montanus 06:39, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- I'm glad to be of help! :)--Jondel 14:18, 19 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- also filum you are right filum (neutrum) and not filus--Helveticus montanus 06:49, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
Other sentences I have some difficulty to understand
[fontem recensere]- Punctum ubi volvat electron habetur ut terra aut humus, anglice "Ground" quamquam enim electron habetur volventem esse et fontem intrare, adeo semitam circuitum esse feretur. Alter dictus fons quod vitalis circuito est onus. ... Magnitudo vi fluente subicit norma Ohm.
- The point where electrons return is considered the earth or ground, English "Ground", although electrons are considered to return and enter the source(like a battery etc), therefore (the path) is considered a 'circuitum'-circuit. Other than the source, what is vital to the circuit is the load (engineers refer to other elements as 'load' except for ground and source. ) . The magnitude (voltage)of the current is subject /determined by the law of Ohm(this is the science/principles of electrical resistance).--Jondel 08:41, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Dicitur terra situs (aut locus, verbum punctus does actually exist but with an other meaning your are "punctus" - sting I believe in English - by an insect) ubi electrones recurrunt..... and the last Cursus electrici magnitudo a norma Ohm descripta est. The other I have to think more
- Punctus can mean sting by an insect, it can also mean point (location).--Jondel 10:42, 23 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Dicitur terra situs (aut locus, verbum punctus does actually exist but with an other meaning your are "punctus" - sting I believe in English - by an insect) ubi electrones recurrunt..... and the last Cursus electrici magnitudo a norma Ohm descripta est. The other I have to think more
- From Boethius(location), ad aeternitatem tempus, ad punctum medium circulus, ita
- to eternity, the circle to the center point, thus...
- In consuetudine circuiti electrici fabricantur an adiugente filum metallicum an ferruminedo ? quae modis photoligraphicibus semiconductorum.
- In ordinary practise, electrical circuits are made by connecting metal wires or by soldering which also a photolithography method of semiconductor. My meaning is wrong and should say or by photolithography='aut phtolithographicibus modis '--Jondel 08:50, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Macula( Anglice, mesh): Congregatio ramorum connectuntur in rete quae in vicem ansulam formant.
- Mesh: This is a collection of connected cuircuit/network branches which form a loop.--Jondel 08:57, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
- Fons: Componens ? cum functione transformante qualiscumque vim ad energiam electricam . In circuito figurae 1, sunt tres fontes, una intensitatis, I, e duae tensionis, E1 e E2.
- Source (like a battery, power outlet,etc):Is an element/component whose function is to tranform a power to electrical energy. In the circuit of figure 1, there three sources one with intensity I, and two with tensions (voltage) E1 and E2. --Jondel 09:02, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
Caveat lector
[fontem recensere]Malus grammaticus meus te mordet!:)Most of the material comes from the Spanish wikipedia but I attempted to make it as original as possible.--Jondel 09:03, 17 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]You are correct that punctum is sting. However, punctum seems to be used in the way point is used in English and I am sure in Italian too for the Italian translation, as 'point in time' and 'point of location' and others. Can't we just used punctum since it would create less confusion?:
From Boethius(location):
- ad aeternitatem tempus, ad punctum medium circulus, ita
- to eternity, the circle to the center point, thus...
From Cicero (moment of time):
- itaque ne punctum quidem temporis in ista fortuna fuisses, nisi eo ipso bono tuo, quo delec
- tatur, se violatum putasset, quod ipsum lenitur cotidie significaturque nobis:Not in this point of time, indeed, good fortune would have been,
More here--Jondel 13:08, 19 Iulii 2011 (UTC)
Please also read this Punctum (mathematica). Sting of mathematics?Jondel 10:21, 2 Novembris 2011 (UTC)