Disputatio:Conspicua pars minor
[fontem recensere]De: "I got the term "allophylus visibilis" from our article on Canada; it is by no means attested, that I know of, and should be discussed."—Secundum Cassell's, visibilis non est verbum classicum, et 'minority' est pars minor, numerus minor. Ergo fortasse Aspectabilis pars minor vel Conspicuus numerus minor &c. IacobusAmor 23:41, 23 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- I note the definition at en:wiki "a visible minority is a person ..." If the term is used only in Canada, that may for all I know be correct -- I don't speak Canadian! -- but it looks like an error, and our first sentence, using "grex", looks more sensible. I don't (yet) have a suggestion for the lemma/pagename. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:53, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- In modern English, a common use of minority is to specify a person who's a member of a minority (e.g., "He's a minority"). Search Google and you'll find examples like "Luckily for me, I was one of two minorities in the car" and "we became the sole minorities in the car" and "I'm the minority on the plane." So yes, a visible minority can be a person. IacobusAmor 23:42, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- I'm curious, would that be an Americanism? Mattie 23:50, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- I think so. I've never seen or heard such expressions: without Iacobus's information I would have taken them as faulty English by a non-native speaker. We live and learn! Is it a way of saying "not white"? Or could a child, or a woman, or an old person, or a blind person, use it just the same? If I was the only adult man in a car (since we are also a minority) could I say it? Or would that not be understood?
- In British English I could say "I was in the minority in the car" if I was the only Vicipaedian (which would usually be the case). Or again (assuming it was a big car) "We were the minority in the car" (e.g. it contained at least three children or three women, so the two men or the two adults were outnumbered). Those are quite different from Iacobus's examples, though. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:46, 25 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- I've heard minority used that way once or twice, but I don't remember whether it was on TV (American TV, that is) or in real life. I too thought it was sloppy English (thus my crossed out comment below), but then again, the difference between 'sloppy' and 'modern' isn't always clear. :-) Mattie 02:10, 26 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- I'm curious, would that be an Americanism? Mattie 23:50, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- In modern English, a common use of minority is to specify a person who's a member of a minority (e.g., "He's a minority"). Search Google and you'll find examples like "Luckily for me, I was one of two minorities in the car" and "we became the sole minorities in the car" and "I'm the minority on the plane." So yes, a visible minority can be a person. IacobusAmor 23:42, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
Ut Canadensis, confidenter tibi dicere possum phrasin Anglicam malam esse ... quam ob rem propriam definitionem scripsi! Mattie 22:13, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)- Commentatio Francogallica Franciam habet appellatione "minorité visible" uti (Le concept de minorité visible est depuis peu utilisé[réf. nécessaire] en France) ... id dicasne verum esse, Andree? Aliter appellationem exclusive Canadensem esse in commentationem ponam. Mattie 22:31, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Possible, mais je ne l'ai pas entendu. Il faut préciser que j'habite en Deux-Sèvres: quelques détails du français tout contemporain nous ont peut-être échappés ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:46, 25 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Quoi qu'il en soit, je doute fort qu'on utilise l'expression en France autant qu'au Canada si même les Français y mettent une "référence nécessaire" =] Je note donc que c'est canadien. Mattie 02:23, 26 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Tu as raison, j'en suis sûr Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:36, 26 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Quoi qu'il en soit, je doute fort qu'on utilise l'expression en France autant qu'au Canada si même les Français y mettent une "référence nécessaire" =] Je note donc que c'est canadien. Mattie 02:23, 26 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Possible, mais je ne l'ai pas entendu. Il faut préciser que j'habite en Deux-Sèvres: quelques détails du français tout contemporain nous ont peut-être échappés ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:46, 25 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Commentatio Francogallica Franciam habet appellatione "minorité visible" uti (Le concept de minorité visible est depuis peu utilisé[réf. nécessaire] en France) ... id dicasne verum esse, Andree? Aliter appellationem exclusive Canadensem esse in commentationem ponam. Mattie 22:31, 24 Octobris 2011 (UTC)
- Commentationem ad "conspicuam partem minorem" movi, cum Google conspicuum favorabiliorem quam aspectabilem habet, et pars minor mihi logicior quam numerus minor videtur, quoniam de parte societatis loquimur. Consentitisne? Mattie 02:31, 26 Octobris 2011 (UTC)