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Disputatio:Equus (scacci)

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E Vicipaedia

Eques, equus, saltator

[fontem recensere]

Ex capsa: "Neander movit paginam Eques (scacci) ad Equus (scacci): Sic aliae linguae excepta Anglica.)"

Excepta Anglica? Hardly!—equus, though, does have the majority (here omitting the unknown be-x-old:Вершнік (шахматы)):
So perhaps a better exordium would be: "Equus, vel eques, vel saltator"? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 00:30, 12 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Gravi profecto testimonio superlationem meam — et quidem eam, quae hominem scientificum indeceat — demonstrasti! Si equitem aut/et saltatorem fonte extravicipaediano confirmare potueris, facile propositum tuum accipiam. Ego fontem habeo, qui equum et caballum confirmet. Neander (disputatio) 06:55, 12 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]

"eques, [reference: Helf. in Morgan, apud facweb.furman.edu.]"

  • The link is dead. Does that sill count as a source?
  • What's "Helf." supposed to mean?
  • Was the soure reliable or did it invent new words?

- 16:09, 24 Martii 2016 (UTC)[reply]