Disputatio:Henricus VIII (rex Angliae)
I'm working on confirming the Latin names of the queens, and it's proving to be surprisingly hard. I figure that even if I think the form listed on this page may not be correct, I probably shouldn't change it until I have full confirmation. In the meantime, I'm going to post my ideas here. Please add any evidence, deductions, or opinions you may have. --Iustinus 02:05 iul 25, 2004 (UTC)
- Catherine of Aragon: Her father was "Ferdinandus Aragonum Rex," but for people who are from the country (rather than ruling it) "Aragonis" does turn up some hits on google. The general adjectival form of Aragon seems to be "Aragonensis." The controversy over Henry and Catharine's divorce produced many Latin tractates, but these generally just refer to her as Catherina (occastionally Catharina, or Katherina), presumably because Henry had not yet had several wives by that name (NB: I have not read these tractates, only their titles; perhaps the texts themselves had her full titulary.) Likewise, a miniature by Lucas Horenbout calls her "Regina Katherina", and Clüver calls her just "Catharina."
- Anne Boleyn: Anna Bolina is correct. Confirmed by contemporary paintings, which use the orthographies "Bolina" and "Bollina." Clüver calls her "Anna Bolena," but he is writing later and in another country, so the paintings should take precidence.
- Jane Seymour: Camden (1587:43) refers to her brother as Edwardus Seimorus of the Seimoria familia. Edward, it turns out, named one of his daughters Jane, and she seems to have refered to herself as Iana rather than the usual Ioanna (She and her sisters wrote a book called Annae, Margaritae, Ianae, sororum virginum heroidum Anglarum, in mortem Diuae Margaritae Valesiae, Nauarrorum Reginae, Hecatodistichon). Clüver uses Jana Seimera, and a 1685 engraving of Edward reads Edwardus Seimerus Somerseti Dux.
- Anne of Cleves: other people with the title "of Cleves" seem to have used de Clivis.
- Catherine Howard: No real leads yet.
- Catherine Parre: Catharina Parra is correct. See the Camden quotation already cited.)
- (Here is the relevant quotation from Camden: "Fatis iam etiam concesserunt, et uno quidem mense Aprili, alii quatuor magna imprimis apud nos celebritate. Anna Stanhopia Somersetti ducissa nonagenaria, quondam Edwardi Seimori ducis Somersetti et Angliae protectoris uxor, quae muliebri aemulatione cum Catharina Parra, regis Henrici VIII regina dotaria, de dignitatis praerogativa tragaedias in Seimoria familia excitavit...")
- (Here is the relevant quotation from Clüver: "Henricus Octavus Angliae Rex cum superiore seculo repudiata Catharina Caroli V. Caesaris matertera, legitima uxore, ad prohibitas nuptias cum Anna Bolena transivisset, neque ejus matrimonii Romanum Pontificem authorem habere posset.... Mortuo Henrico successit filius Eduardus, ex Jana Seimera genitus octo annorum puer.... Post mortem Eduardi Maria Catharinae repudiatae filia ac legitima haeres, regnum obtinuit.... Successit Elisabetha, filia Bolenae, a contrariae Religionis praeceptoribus instituta. ")
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