Disputatio:Index rerum de Roma antiqua
I guess this page is doing the same job of a Category. I have just created Category:Roma antiqua and now this page here is no longer necessary. Does anybody agree to delete this? --Mafrius 2/06/2005
- Assentior. usor:Bohmhammel 21.00 h (UTC) 4 Nonas Mart. 2006
- Consentio.--Ioshus Rocchio 23:24, 4 Martii 2006 (UTC)
- Haec index idem opus ac List of Ancient Rome-related topics in Wikipedia Anglice Lista de tópicos sobre a Roma Antigaque in Wikipédia Lusitanice facit. Sunt aliae optiones hominibus qui res in una pagina, loco categoriae, invenire volunt. Cui malo? -Adamas 02:28, 5 Martii 2006 (UTC)