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Disputatio:Interceptio regiminis

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What does involutoriae mean here. And the sentence that follows it? "They are thick, cut indivisible liberties, do not venerate the rights of men and opress those who oppose:"?--Rafaelgarcia 01:41, 3 Septembris 2009 (UTC)[reply]

This article appears to describe a coup as a genus of which revolution and all other changes of state are a species. I think that is incorrect. Rather the coup, revolution, etc, are all species of rerum eversio. In sum, the article is putting together two things that don't belong together.--Rafaelgarcia 14:42, 3 Septembris 2009 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

Confer en:Coup d'état et en:Revolution, not to mention en:Rebellion. IacobusAmor 12:35, 1 Novembris 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Each of the merged articles is one of the 10K pages, so they should remain distinct & unmerged here. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 20:00, 6 Martii 2017 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I undid the merge. I was trying to resolve some of the long-standing merge proposals (7 years in this case). I'm not sure the article at present does a great job of explaining the difference between coup and revolution, and there are some problems with the Latin that still need to be dealt with (see Rafael's comments above). Lesgles (disputatio) 11:48, 7 Martii 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I quite see Iacobus's reasons both for proposing the merge 7 years ago and for deprecating it yesterday! (The 10K list was developed at Meta beteen those two dates.)
With Rafael above, we have to start from concepts: have we three of them? I think we have. A movement that changes the political structure (= revolution, res novae, rerum eversio). Uprising of a defeated or subject group (= rebellion, rebellio). An unconstitutional takeover of government (= French coup d'état leading to Greek tyrannis, but in Latin what? For me, "rerum" is too vague and all-embracing here, I would try something like "regiminis comprehensio, correptio". I expect there'd be a better phrase). Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:09, 7 Martii 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tibi, Andrea, assentior dicenti inter illas tres notiones distinguendum esse, quamquam coup d'état non facile Latine reddi videtur. Praeter illas quas proposuisti dictiones ego regiminis interceptionem proposuerim. Sed Cicero etiam de neoterismo loqui videtur; cf. Att. 14.5.3 "Sed velim scire quid adventus Octavi, num qui concursus ad eum, num quae νεωτερισμοῦ suspicio [suspicion of a coup d’etat apud Shackleton Bailey]. non puto equidem, sed tamen, quicquid est, scire cupio." Neander (disputatio) 10:56, 18 Maii 2017 (UTC)[reply]