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"Alt for Norge (Totum pro Norvegia)" est sententia regalis, non nationalis. Finnrind 19:59, 23 Februarii 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Norway also borders to Russia.

Norvegia sive Norwegia sive Noruegia

[fontem recensere]

W doesn’t exist, and aren’t Noruegia and Norvegia the same thing? 17:36, 5 Augusti 2011 (UTC)[reply]

If you think W doesn't exist you must be living in the past. This would make you an almost-ideal contributor: stick around.
I guess someone was trying to say that the u might be treated as a vowel or a consonant in this name? I don't really know: clarification is needed. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:52, 5 Augusti 2011 (UTC)[reply]