Alexanderr, I have reverted your edit, just until we get the name sorted out. Please do not take offense, and please readd it here, once we hash out the name of the article.--Ioshus (disp) 04:32, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
- Okay, I've been reverted before so I wouldn't take offense. I just wanted to know what it was about. :) Alexanderr 04:40, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
- Ainsworth's dictionary says oeconomics [sic] is oeconomica pl., and an oeconomist [sic] is a rei familiaris administrator, curator, dispensator. IacobusAmor 05:11, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
- I'd much rather use oeconomus for economist, however I think oeconomica for economics would be fine. Alexanderr 05:13, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
- And, for what it's worth, Ainsworth's defines oeconomia, -ae, f. (the present title) as, believe it or not: 'a certain oeconomy, or order, in the disposal of parts, necessary for orators and poets' (used in this sense by Quintilian & Cicero). IacobusAmor 05:19, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
- See also the discussion here: Disputatio:Iosephus_Schumpeter#De nomine Oeconomicus
- After thinking about it more. Neander has a point. And I didn't see the Ainsworth comment about it now. I am ok with moving this page to oeconomica or I guess scientia oeconomica if need be.--Rafaelgarcia 17:15, 26 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
- Here is additional evidence that for economics (the science) the appropriate word is Oeconomica (-orum) (just as politics = politica (-orum)) OECONOMICA Methodo scientifica pertractata (Geseammelte Werke, II. Abt., Band 26 & 27)(1754) by Wolff, Christian; Aristotelis quae feruntur Oeconomica by Aristotle, Franz Susemihl - Economics - 1887 (Greek with Latin introduction)--Rafaelgarcia 20:26, 26 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
- Sed mathematica, -ae, f.? IacobusAmor 23:22, 26 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
- Legi, ubi nescio, talia nomina pluralia, cum in sensu singulari adhibentur, saepe quoque forma singulari declinari posse. Physica -ae et physica -orum idem (=physics) significant. Mathematica -ae et mathematica -orum (=mathematics).--Rafaelgarcia 00:07, 27 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
- Here is additional evidence that for economics (the science) the appropriate word is Oeconomica (-orum) (just as politics = politica (-orum)) OECONOMICA Methodo scientifica pertractata (Geseammelte Werke, II. Abt., Band 26 & 27)(1754) by Wolff, Christian; Aristotelis quae feruntur Oeconomica by Aristotle, Franz Susemihl - Economics - 1887 (Greek with Latin introduction)--Rafaelgarcia 20:26, 26 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
- And, for what it's worth, Ainsworth's defines oeconomia, -ae, f. (the present title) as, believe it or not: 'a certain oeconomy, or order, in the disposal of parts, necessary for orators and poets' (used in this sense by Quintilian & Cicero). IacobusAmor 05:19, 11 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)
Nunc videntur participes in disputatione omnes motioni paginae ad "oeconomica" favere. Si nemo dissidet, paginam movebo, quod locum librum paginae de economy aperiet.
- Move, amice. Nescio cur nemo iam antea moverat. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:19, 8 Februarii 2014 (UTC)
- Factus est. Corpus commentationis etiam emendationem requirit. Lesgles (disputatio) 17:07, 8 Februarii 2014 (UTC)