Shouldnt the name be "Philippinae"? Look at Nationes Mundi... I think this stub should be moved to Philippinae. -- 7/06/2005
It probably should Thanks.--Jondel 05:43 iun 20, 2005 (UTC)
I am trying to find literature about the Philippines in Latin. I am not sure how to translate place names like Luzon(Luconia), Visaya, Mindanao, etc. I've searched through gutenberg.org and I've seen the maps about the Philippines. If there are any links that can be found, please let me know.--Jondel 06:08 aug 30, 2005 (UTC)
- In Egger's Lexicon Nominum Locorum I find: Philippinae, Luzonia, and Mindanaum. Where did you get "Luconia"? --Iustinus 07:02 aug 30, 2005 (UTC)
- There's also a helpful entry in Hoffman: see here and here. I'm not sure if I approve of names like S. Johannis (i.e. names that are indeclinable genitives) though. --Iustinus 07:10 aug 30, 2005 (UTC)
- Luconia: From maps of the 16th century out of google searches for 'Philippinae'. Maps come out after. Thank you very much for the helpful links.--Jondel 06:57 aug 31, 2005 (UTC)
- In that case, I would prefer the form found on the maps. Egger may be impressive, but he's not always right, imho! --Iustinus 07:05 aug 31, 2005 (UTC)
- I need all the help I can get. I'm studying Latin on my own and there is no Latin representation of the Philippines. Gratias ago. --Jondel 07:45 aug 31, 2005 (UTC)
- Luconia would be for Luçonia. The ç seems to be pretty consistently written in Latin as c, if onca (jaguar), taiacu (peccary), and Satcuma (Satsuma) are any indication. I don't know if I like to encourage this :p —Myces Tiberinus 02:10 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- Oooh! Da nobis locos! --Iustinus 04:05 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- You put us in our place(?) /You give us the location(?) ...... Latina me necat (?)--Jondel 04:18 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- "Give us the quotes." Remember locus can also mean a "passage" or "citation", especially when you're talking about things like a litterary quotation that establishes the existence of a word (or other thing). --Iustinus 04:33 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- You put us in our place(?) /You give us the location(?) ...... Latina me necat (?)--Jondel 04:18 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- Oooh! Da nobis locos! --Iustinus 04:05 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- Luconia would be for Luçonia. The ç seems to be pretty consistently written in Latin as c, if onca (jaguar), taiacu (peccary), and Satcuma (Satsuma) are any indication. I don't know if I like to encourage this :p —Myces Tiberinus 02:10 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
- Ok. Luzon(Luconia map):http://www.cosmography.com/catpages/arnoldi.htm . There are areas in the nighbouring Malaysia with names like Luconia , e.g. Luconia straits.--Jondel 05:59 sep 1, 2005 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Please help me with the grammar(nominative, genetive, ...) below , gratias ago.--Jondel 05:50, 24 Februarii 2006 (UTC) Philippines:Philippinas , Philippinae, Philippinae, Philippinam, Philippinia, Philippinia
- Sicut Athenae. Nom., Philippinae; gen., Philippinarum; dat., Philippinis; acc., Philippinas; abl., Philippinis. Nomina adiectiva: Philippiniensis, -e; Philippinaeus, -a, -um. IacobusAmor 00:44, 19 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
Latin names proposal
[fontem recensere]- Diosdado Macapagal =>
DeiusdatusDeodatus Macapagal - Ejercito Estrada=>Exercitus Strata
--Jondel 16:37, 18 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Deodatus I think is a little better, wait for Iustinus or Myces, though.
- Hmmm...
I don't see an accent on his name...Are you sure it means army?(sorry, just read the en article) As for "estrada", stratus doesn't mean anything like it. And if you did just use a substantive adjective, I would want it to be agreeing with the masculine Iosephus. As is, until someone says something better, I would go with Iosephus Deodatus Estrada.--Ioshus (disp) 22:03, 18 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- If Diosdado = 'god-given', the sense depends on whether it means given to God or given by God. I have a hazy notion (this is not unusual) that in the late Empire, Adeodatus was a name suitable for natural (i.e., illegitimate) sons, and that St. Augustine's son was so named. A good friend of John Milton (ipse poeta clarissimus Ioannes Milto) was Charles Diodati, to whom Milton dedicated his first elegy, Elegia Prima: ad Carolum Diodatum, the one that begins: "Tandem, care, tuae mihi pervenere tabellae, / Pertulit et voces nuntia charta tuas; / Pertulit occidua Devae Cestrensis ab ora / Vergivium prono qua petit amne salum." = 'At last, dear, your letter has come to me, and its news-pages (?) have brought your words (voces), has brought them from the west bank of the Chesterian Dee, where with headlong current it seeks the Irish Sea.' IacobusAmor 01:06, 19 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
The latin origin of Spanish words can easily be found here :http://www.rae.es . Select the mode busque sin diacriticos to make it easier to search at the dictionary. We don't use diacritics in the Philippines (Some will , in the same way some people will place diacritics on French and Spanish in the US). Deodatus looks very good!--Jondel 04:32, 19 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
Deodatus and Adeodatus both occur (not to mention the horrendous Deusdedid). Is Ejercito Estrada a person's name? --Iustinus 06:43, 19 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Joseph Ejercito Estrada was born as José Marcelo Ejército. He was forbidden to use Estrada by his family due to his involvement with gangs ;so he chose Estrada ('streets'). While were at it, I would also like to translate Philippine Academy of the Spanish language as Academia(nominative) Philppina(nominative aggreeing adjective) Linguae (genitive)Hispanice (genitive)? Quid putas?--Jondel 09:20, 19 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
Changes of names in region table
[fontem recensere]An anon. editor has made a series of changes in this table. Many names were in English before; they are now in invented (I think) Latin. I'm not sure whether to revert them ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:34, 24 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- If English still has some official use in the Philippines, there would have been nothing wrong with keeping the English terms, though versions from to certain indigenous language may have more local acceptance and might therefore be preferable here, certainly as alternate forms and perhaps even as featured forms. ¶ Btw, is there a reason that you wrote our attested Taivania as Taivanum? IacobusAmor 12:08, 24 Maii 2008 (UTC)