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Disputatio:Pontifex Maximus

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Ordo rectus

[fontem recensere]

Care usor ignotus

1. Summus Romae antiquae sacerdos (vide Pontifex)
2. Titulus Papae

Cur? Quia significatio 'summus Romae antiquae sacerdos' significationem 'titulus Papae' antiquitate antecessit. IacobusAmor 23:29, 21 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

This page is linked to the English page about the Pontifex Maximus according to the Ancient Roman definition, and the page Pontifex (which is about the original Ancient Roman definition of the word) is linked to the English page Pontiff, which is generally about both the Pope and the Ancient Roman Pontifex Maximus. Oughtn't it be the other way around (i.e. en:Pontifex Maximus<->la:Pontifex ; en:Ponftiff<->la:Pontifex Maximus)? Or perhaps the articles need to be changed? --Secundus Zephyrus 00:05, 24 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I think the error lies with the en: pages not with us.--Rafaelgarcia 00:26, 24 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Apparently both pages are OK as is. It is that the english page decided to discuss the association with the pope on their Pontiff page because the etymological source of the term pontiff is Pontifex. We at the latin wiki don't have that etymological justification: we know that the pope corresponds to not merely the pontifex but the maximus pontifex ecclessiae catholicae romanae.--Rafaelgarcia 00:40, 24 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)[reply]
The old Romans had the Pontifex Maximus (Summus Pontifex, etc.), and so we need articles on those topics, but Kyrios has redirected the title Summus Pontifex to land on the Roman Pope's page, and this can't be right. As I pointed out in the Summus Pontifex disputatione:
<<==Summus Pontifex non semper est Papa Romanus==
Kyrios, amice, negasne personam in ludo scaenico Solymitana Clades a Thoma Legge scripto esse summum pontificem dum NON est Papa Romanus? Vide hoc website: http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/solclad/act6lat.html, quod ait: "Postquam Iudaei Galilaea finibus Romanos deturbassent, in templo de eligendis belli ducibus deliberant. Anani summus pontifex sorte urbis praefectus declaratur." Certe Anani non fuit Papa.
¶ Item: Catholic Encyclopedia dicit Gratianum imperatorem fuisse primum imperatorem Romanum qui non Summus Pontifex fuit: "The custom of decreeing divine honours to the emperors remained in existence until the time of Gratian, who was the first to refuse the insignia of the Summus Pontifex and the first whom the senate failed to place among the gods" (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01650b.htm).
¶ Ergo necesse est ut mutatio recens reversa sit. Summus Pontifex non semper est Papa Romanus.>>
So it seems we need a discretiva with at least three references for Summus Pontifex: (1) the old Roman office, (2) its transformation into the Roman Catholic office, (3) at least one fictional treatment of the office. IacobusAmor 02:16, 24 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)[reply]