If anyone can correct the errors I made or tell me if that I wrote is correct, it would probably be better. Postkarte von Swakopmund.
- About the museums, the illud I guess are not necessary. Then the museum of art could be museum artium (museum of the arts) or museum de arte (museum about art). The other museum is described as being the museum of the port (porti without -s) of the city and of navigation. Is that what you meant? And probably people with better Latin can help further than me...--Xaverius 08:55, 14 Maii 2007 (UTC)
The "illud" may be not necessary, but I thought it was better for loan words. As regards the second museum, it is "a museum about the history of the port of Rouen and the navigation". But I did not learn latin for 8 years, and it is a little hard for me. Postkarte von Swakopmund.