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Disputatio:Schida adhaesiva

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The article cites Davidis Morgan et Patricii Oeni Neo-Latin Lexicon, but the only translation of sticker I can find on that site is from https://neolatinlexicon.org/silva-old/, which warns that it is "collatio vocabulorum e variis locis (haud necessario probandorum vel adhibendorum)

Even then, they provide two translations:

.car1 bumper sticker, sticker / schedula agglutinatoria* [Soc. Lat.]; schida adhaesive+ (Helf.)

What makes Soc. Lat. a better source than Helf.? 04:07, 28 Septembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]

They are both good. Usually in these cases the taste of who writes the article makes the choice. I also prefer schida adhaesiva to schedula agglutinatoria. Adhaereo was regularly used for sticking magnets and similar things. Agglutino seems to refer more to something that solidifies from a non-solid state. This is at least my take. --Grufo (disputatio) 08:40, 28 Septembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]