Disputatio:Secundum bellum mundanum
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Nonne nomen Bellum mundanum II celebrius est? W. B. 6 Kal. Febr. 2006 21.41 UTC
Nonne bellum mundanum significaret bellum taediosum? Immo utamur nomine "Bellum Mundiale" 09:11, 13 Ianuarii 2009 (UTC)
Etiam hic, ignoscite pertinaciam meam, Latine melius dicendum est Bellum Orbis Terrarum Alterum: Cum tertium bellum numquam peractum est (et spero numquam fore). Artaynte (disputatio) 12:02, 14 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- Nullo modo ignoscere oportet :) Tibi consentio, Artaynte. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:31, 14 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- Si nemo abnuit, cras movere licet. Fortasse hanc quaestionem praedicens, amicus noster Rolandus anno 2006 categoriam Bellum Orbis Terrarum II appellavit. Categoriam igitur haud necesse est movere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:46, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- What's the source of this shibboleth about preferring alter in a series of two? Neither Allen & Greenough nor Gildersleeve seem to mention it. When the passage of time comes into play, any contrast implied in 'the one and the other' (readily evoked by alter) weakens. The term secundus, closely related to sequor, basically means 'following', and so Ennius has lumine secundo 'on the following day', and numerous classical authors have mensa secunda 'dessert'. In Horace, 'second-rate bread' is panis secundus. Also, Horace has tu secundo Caesare regnes. In any case, people do speak of the possibility of a World War III, and some historians have applied that name & interpretation to what's generally called the cold war, so conceptually the world-war series already includes at least three members. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:12, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- And note that, although we haven't had a Pope John Paul III yet, Pope John Paul II is Ioannes Paulus Secundus, at least according to his successor. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:31, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- Confiteor te exemplum utile monstravisse.
- Addo Neandrum in pagina disputationis Artayntis verba Flori citare. Florus enim "in Epitoma sua (1.29) bellum Illyricum secundum (tertium non fuit) commemorat." ... Haec verba in textu Flori nondum repperi ... sed opus Flori ipsius in duos libros divisum est qui intitulantur "primus" et "secundus"! Auctoritatem titulorum nescio. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:13, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- Constat ut dicis, Andrea. In textu, qui paucos tantum versus continet, non reperi potest. Sed credo titulos illos iam antiquis manuscriptis, sicut codici Bambergensi (saec. VIII-IX) et fortasse iam antea, additos esse. Adde quod etiam post alterum "tertius" et "quartus" dici potest, ut apud Plinium (Ep. 1.12.9) legimus: "Iam dies alter tertius quartus: abstinebat cibo" (de amico, qui inedià voluntarià mortem sibi conscivit). Itaque non esse videtur, cur in locum secundi substituendum sit alterum, cum illorum verborum neutro tertium prohiberi posse videatur. Neander (disputatio) 12:50, 17 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- And note that, although we haven't had a Pope John Paul III yet, Pope John Paul II is Ioannes Paulus Secundus, at least according to his successor. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:31, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
- What's the source of this shibboleth about preferring alter in a series of two? Neither Allen & Greenough nor Gildersleeve seem to mention it. When the passage of time comes into play, any contrast implied in 'the one and the other' (readily evoked by alter) weakens. The term secundus, closely related to sequor, basically means 'following', and so Ennius has lumine secundo 'on the following day', and numerous classical authors have mensa secunda 'dessert'. In Horace, 'second-rate bread' is panis secundus. Also, Horace has tu secundo Caesare regnes. In any case, people do speak of the possibility of a World War III, and some historians have applied that name & interpretation to what's generally called the cold war, so conceptually the world-war series already includes at least three members. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:12, 15 Augusti 2012 (UTC)
De fontibus
[fontem recensere]Demiror, quo ex auctore extravicipaediano titulus "Bellum Orbis Terrarum Secundum" sit. Nisi fontem huius dictionis habemus, quin titulis utamur fontium testimoniis confirmatis (q.s. "secundum bellum mundanum" / "secundum bellum mundiale"). Neander (disputatio) 20:28, 10 Iunii 2013 (UTC)
Dum fontem extravicipaedianum opperimur, nonne expediat interim titulo fonte confirmato uti? Neander (disputatio) 20:46, 10 Iunii 2013 (UTC)