Genus hormon- is, testoteron, - is etc
[fontem recensere]Could you please help me all these words of greek origin are masculins or neutrum? Thank you--Massimo Macconi 16:24, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)-- 16:21, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
- Secundum dictionaria varia quae possideo nomen hormon derivatum est a participio Graeco ὁρμῶν, ~ντος. Latine ergo appellandum videtur hormon, ~ntis, et id ipsum est forma quam invenimus in paginis peridodici Latini Ephemeridis, e.g. hic. Aliubi in hoc eodem periodico genus quoque huius nominis cognoscimus, legentes: "... hormon anno 1999 demum inventum, quod inter alia officia etiam hoc nobis affert, ... " Summatim: nomen hormon cui genetivus est hormontis genere est neutro. Nomina variorum hormontum (vel hormontium?) - ut etiam testosteron - exemplum sequi videntur ipsius nominis hormontis. --Fabullus 17:30, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
- Gratia tibi ago, nunc multae emendationes facere debeo, ciao e Buona Nale e un felice 2008--Massimo Macconi 22:00, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
- De hormonte assentior, quippe quod e lingua Graeca sumptum sit. De "testosteronte" autem magnopere dubito, quia etymologia differt. Medicorum latinitas testosterono favere videtur. --Neander 03:09, 22 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
- Gratia tibi ago, nunc multae emendationes facere debeo, ciao e Buona Nale e un felice 2008--Massimo Macconi 22:00, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
Origin of the Latin term?
[fontem recensere]Please help. Was this Latin term derived from the "English"? Actually I'm not sure what language the original term was coined in, but apparently it was by a group named Organon from the Netherlands who based the term on the stems of "testicle" and "sterol", adding the suffix of "ketone". This is according to the article on en.Wikipedia, so I'm not sure if they meant the word was based on the stems of these actual English words, or from another language with the same stems.
But my question again is, from where did Latin get this term? Is there an Academy that regulates the Latin language and its lexicon, that might have initiated and supervised the acquisition of this word and its proper adaption to the Latin language?
- No, there is no Latin Academy. There are several organizations in the science world that regulate official Latin terminology (examples are taxonomic nomenclature for living things, International Nonproprietary Names for chemicals, etc.) and there are several published neo-Latin dictionaries that become de facto standards, but nobody has an absolute authority. As for the use of this word in particular, just check the literature. —Mucius Tever 03:29, 7 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
Renaming mistake
[fontem recensere]I made a mistake while renaming the page; I gave it the suffix of weak acids (-one), but it needs of course that of hormons (-on). Could anyone move the page to testosteron? I am not able to do it. --Grufo (disputatio) 21:30, 14 Aprilis 2023 (UTC)
- Or maybe let's use the standard term (whatever it may be) as established by the World Health Organization. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 04:15, 15 Aprilis 2023 (UTC)
Die 1 Novembris 2023 — Estne haec pagina ad “Testosteron” movenda?
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Haec est disputatio petitoria Vicipaediae quae ad formulam {{Movenda}} attinet, die 1 Novembris 2023 paginae additam. |
Ut scripsi mense Aprilis, huic paginae per errorem nomen dedi “testosteronae” (i.e. *testosteronē -ae, f. – sicut acetone) in loco “testosteronis” (i.e. testosteron, -onis, m., sicut hormon) – sed non mihi licet pagina movere, quia iam est redirectio apud paginam "Testosteron". --Grufo (disputatio) 17:51, 1 Novembris 2023 (UTC)