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E Vicipaedia

Animal vs bestia

[fontem recensere]

In my feeling a lion has more of a bestia than a testudo, which I'd call an animal. Or is it the same? --Rolandus 06:23, 17 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Problema: Etiam homo animal est. Animal est bestia vel homo vel spiritus vel etiam organizatio (in Latinitate recenti) vel etc. Bestia est bestia. --Alex1011 08:28, 17 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

Si vocabulo millionis eodem modo utendum est ac milium - de qua re equidem haereo - , fortasse melius sit scribere "annorum ducentAs ... milliones". Bavarese (disputatio) 21:54, 9 Aprilis 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ait Paranaja noster: "Testudinata is a wider group including Testudines." Correct!—and that's why the lemma is Testudinata, not Testudines.. This article links to articles on Testudinata in other wikis, and it differs from our article on Testudines. That said, the text is a mess and needs drastic revision. I've added an accommodation of the first sentence in the English wiki, but much more work needs to be done. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:33, 5 Iunii 2019 (UTC)[reply]