Vera non est historia Tibetana hic scripta. Tibetum fuit provincia imperii sinici iam per 4 saecula et ut tale fuit recognitum in iure gentium sine interruptione. Certum existat hoc factum quod vocatur "invasio" in 1951-59, sed invasio territorii externi non erat. Videte etiam paginas anglicam, germanicam et alias. Pilhamu 12:37, 2 Augusti 2009 (UTC)
- Invasio ut videtur non est verbum classicale. Fortasse recte: incursio vel incursus. IacobusAmor 12:54, 2 Augusti 2009 (UTC)
- According to L&S, Invasio is late latin for "an attack, invasion (post-class. for incursio, aggressio)"; looking at the synonyms there is justification to this addition for the latin terminology of war. It is intended to mean a incursion into another state or a region with intent to take over or prosecute a war, i.e. an invasion in the english sense too. As such it is a particular kind of attack (aggressio). The english page also calls the incident an invasion. Our page is incomplete but it is not wrong. Please feel free to add to it.
- Incidentally, I think the situation surrounding the invasion of Tibet is more complicated than you make out. In 1950, the communist people's army was not the same thing as the official government of china de jure--back then and until 1971 the UN recognized chinese government actually resided in Taiwan. If the PLA invaded Taiwan today, would you call it an invasion?--Rafaelgarcia 13:23, 2 Augusti 2009 (UTC)
- Thibetum erat una ex multis partibus Respublicae Sinensis quas Exercitus communisticus "invasit" in annis 1945-51. Etiam illa respublica praesidentis Chiang Kai-shek in insula formosa (Taiwan) semper Thibetum provincian sinensem esse putavit et nec independentiam Formosae, quem volebant multi insulani, permisit, nec indepentian Mongoliae Externae, quem imposuit Stalin, accipere voluit. Pilhamu 13:57, 4 Augusti 2009 (UTC)