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Disputatio:Tulle gras

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E Vicipaedia

Pagina superflua ?

[fontem recensere]

Ego hanc paginam superfluam esse puto et ad deletionem propono. Bis-Taurinus (disputatio) 20:15, 16 Novembris 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The accepted existence of numerous articles on tiny little hamlets undercuts any characterization of superfluity almost anywhere. Why should Vicipaedia have an article on an out-of-the-way aggregate of twelve people, but not one on a medical product that has helped millions? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:29, 17 Novembris 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Argumentum e rebus extraneis (Other stuff exists) Vicipaediani reicere solent. Hanc autem paginam, heri neglectam, hodie auctam et fontibus pluribus munitam, acceperim ego :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:52, 17 Novembris 2015 (UTC)[reply]