Disputatio:Universitas Technica Istanbulensis
[fontem recensere]Latin doesn't render this English phrase literally: it uses the structure seen in "third from the oldest," so I've changed tertia vetissima (!) to tertia a veterrima. (Also, note that the superlative of vetus is irregular.) IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:39, 28 Maii 2016 (UTC)
Formula problem
[fontem recensere]In the box, the formula
is printing "Istanbul, Turcia" (two unconnected nouns), but it should probably be printing "Istanbul Turciae" ("Istanbul in/of Turkey"), or it should be split into two lines: one for the city, one for the country. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:46, 28 Maii 2016 (UTC)
- I agree. Your first alternative would mean editing every page that uses this formula, so let's put that aside for now ... It should be possible to adopt your second alternative, but the design of the formula is too complex for me I'm afraid. Maybe someone more confident will look in ... It contains other infelicities too ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:03, 28 Maii 2016 (UTC)
Wayback problem
[fontem recensere]The formula for a wayback URL isn't printing right. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:48, 28 Maii 2016 (UTC)
- When you copy a link over from another wiki you should test it. The first link you inserted in that footnote is dead, so you ought to have omitted it, I'd say. Good news therefore -- the wayback link is indispensable :) but, so far as I know, the wayback template on en:wiki has no real usefulness. All you have to do, as with any other external link, is: go to it, copy the URL address, and paste it in, with a Latin word or two as explanation. That's what I've done. OK? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:19, 28 Maii 2016 (UTC)