In pagina dixit:
- Anno 376 Greuthungi et Tervingi Valentem rogaverunt ut se fines Romanos incolere permitteret, sed solum Tervingi id impetraverunt. Haec res fuit causa belli cum Roma gesti.
Sed credo citatio desiderata esse quia in una pagina relativa Anglice en:Battle of Adrianople dixit:
- In 376, displaced by the invasions of the Huns, the Goths, led by Alavivus and Fritigern, asked to be allowed to settle in the Roman Empire. Hoping that they would become farmers and soldiers, the emperor Valens allowed them to establish themselves in the Empire as allies (foederati). However, once across the Danube in Roman territory the dishonesty of the provincial commanders Lupicinus and Maximus led the newcomers to revolt after suffering many hardships.
etiam in pagina en:Visigoths dixit:
- The Goths remained in Dacia until 376, when one of their leaders, Fritigern, appealed to the Roman emperor Valens to be allowed to settle with his people on the south bank of the Danube. Here, they hoped to find refuge from the Huns. Valens permitted this. However, a famine broke out and Rome was unwilling to supply them with the food they were promised nor the land; open revolt ensued leading to 6 years of plundering and destruction throughout the Balkans, the death of a Roman Emperor and the destruction of an entire Roman army.
Ergo nescio quod credere.Rafaelgarcia 08:57, 25 Aprilis 2007 (UTC)
- Isidori Historia Gothorum 9 scripsit:
- Aera CDXVI, anno XIV imperii Valentis (378) , Gothi, qui primum Christianos a terra sua expulerant, rursus ipsi ab Hunnis cum rege suo Athanarico expulsi sunt; transitoque Danubio, cum vim ferre non possent Valentis imperatoris, sese non depositis armis tradunt, et Thraciam ad inhabitandum accipiunt. Sed ubi viderunt se opprimi a Romanis contra consuetudinem propriae libertatis, ad rebellandum coacti sunt. Thraciam ferro incendiisque depopulantur, deletoque Romanorum exercitu, ipsum Valentem iaculo vulneratum, in quadam villa fugientem, succenderunt, ut merito ipse ab eis vivus temporali cremaretur incendio, qui tam pulchras animas ignibus aeternis tradiderat.
- Ergo sequamur Isidori et citatio en:Battle of Adriannople. Pagina Vicipaediae scribat: "Anno 376 Greuthungi et Tervingi Valentem rogaverunt ut se fines Romanos incolere permitteret, sed solum Tervingi id impetraverunt. Tunc, ubi Gothi viderunt se opprimi a Romanis contra consuetudinem propriae libertatis, ad rebellandum coacti sunt, et belli cum Roma gesti est." Consentimusne?--Xaverius 09:19, 25 Aprilis 2007 (UTC)
- Xavieri, ita est. Gratias tibi ago. Splendidam paginam creavisti sed, ut credo, citationes debes addere. Sic tuis paginis lectores res verifare possunt, e. g. [1].Rafaelgarcia 12:12, 25 Aprilis 2007 (UTC)
- Isidori Historia Gothorum 9 scripsit:
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