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Disputatio Categoriae:Res astronomicae characteribus Bayeri agnitae

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E Vicipaedia

Nomen Anglicum est Bayer objects ; nunc autem in Vicipaedia, Res astronomicae characteribus Bayeri agnitae. Melius hic simpliciter Res Bayer vel Res Bayerianae ? (Secundum Cassell's, character non est verbum, et pro Anglico character sensu 'the natural quality of anything' nobis dat ingenium et proprietas.) Simile Flamsteed objects, Durchmusterung objects, HIP objects, etc. IacobusAmor 14:07, 23 Iulii 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bayerus ipse, qui Latine scripsit, hoc verbo usus est. In pagina categorica nunc nexos de Bayero et de catalogo eius inserui (gratias ago ob omissionem ita monstratam!); potes, si velis, verbum in eo catalogo reperire. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:20, 24 Iulii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Liber Bayeri, in quo hoc verbo usus est, sic intitulatur: Ioannis Bayeri Rhainani, I.C., Explicatio characterum aeneis Uranometrias imaginum tabulis insculptorum .... Alii astronomi Latine scribentes aut eodem verbo "character" aut "littera" usi sunt. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:55, 24 Iulii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The question refers to the wordiness of the category-name. Compare the other wikis (omitting those in scripts unintelligible here): ca:Objectes de Bayer, en:Bayer objects, mk:Бајерови објекти, ms:Objek Bayer, nl:Sterren op Bayer-aanduiding, pl:Obiekty Bayera, ro:Obiecte Bayer, sk:Bayerove objekty, tr:Bayer nesneleri. Only the Dutch looks more complicated than Res Bayerianae might be, and even the Dutch looks less complicated than 'Astronomical things recognized by Bayer's characters'. IacobusAmor 17:00, 24 Iulii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not wedded to this phraseology. But how to shorten it and still be clear? In English, anyone moderately involved in the topic knows what a "Bayer object" is: the term is used by astronomers. I know of no such phrase in Latin. Certainly, if there is one, let's use it. If there isn't, better to remain explicit. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:50, 24 Iulii 2011 (UTC)[reply]