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Disputatio Usoris:נתנאל שטרן

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E Vicipaedia

Pages resulting from machine translation[fontem recensere]

Hi. You appear to be creating pages that are the result of machine translation without editing or correcting. They are mostly not in Latin, and in general people who read Latin cannot understand them.

Normally, unless the author or someone else corrects them within 7 days, such pages will be deleted. If you know no Latin you risk wasting your time by doing this, unless you can persuade someone who knows Latin to help with your pages.

I have moved to your userspace seven pages that were created more than a weekago and are not yet of acceptable quality, Here they are: Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Rabbi Akiva, Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Trianguli (ierusalem)‎, Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Nahalat Shiv'a, Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Medio districtu Israelis‎, Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Ami Assaf (schola), Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Petah Tikva‎, Usor:נתנאל שטרן/Rabbi Ioel Mose Salomon.

The pages that you created most recently are in mainspace, awaiting improvement. If that doesn't happen, after about 7 days they will be deleted or moved to your userspace, as you prefer. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:28, 30 Novembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Addition. Here you can find an index with all the subpages currently in your personal space. Aliquando fortasse machinae Latine loquentur, mox fortasse, sed hodie nondum est ille dies. Spero te Vicipaediam Latinam sine nimis multis machinis adiuturum esse. --Grufo (disputatio) 14:49, 30 Novembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]
do you can to help me? Commentationem pristinam non subscriptam usor נתנאל_שטרן(disputatioconlationes) hora 14:42, die 30 Novembris 2023‎ scripsit.
I'm sorry, I don't have time. You can ask at the Vicipaedia:Taberna. Some editors have been helping already (see the page histories), but we are few, and you are making a lot of new work for us. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:54, 30 Novembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I glad for any help to latinization of pages נתנאל שטרן (disputatio) 15:04, 30 Novembris 2023 (UTC)[reply]