Disputatio Usoris:
Hi. Use Vicipaedia:Harenarium if you would like to do some tests. -- Tegel (disputatio) 18:49, 8 Martii 2012 (UTC)
- Actually I'm a real user (I'm AMahoney, and you'll see this IP address is at Tufts, where I teach), just figuring out how to get a bot-program to authenticate: it's now correct, it's done what it needed to do, and the remainder of the changes have my name on them. I don't expect to be doing enough of this to ask for the bot flag, but there were almost 100 of these dratted thingies and I wasn't going to edit them all by hand! Is that OK? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 18:59, 8 Martii 2012 (UTC)
Haec est pagina disputationis usoris anonymi vel potius loci IP cuiusdam. Memento locos IP interdum mutari et ab usoribus vel pluribus adhiberi. Si ipse sis usor ignotus et ex improviso invenias querulas aliquas, nomen tibi impone vel nomen tuum da, ut decetero confusionem effugias!