Disputatio Usoris:Christian Kotnik~lawiki
Salve, Christian Kotnik~lawiki!
Gratus aut grata in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.
Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:
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- Taberna
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Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, roges in nostra Taberna, vel roges unum ex magistratibus directe.
In paginis encyclopaedicis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis --~~~~
, quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!
--Ioshus Rocchio 22:41, 12 Maii 2006 (UTC)
Lingua slovena
[fontem recensere]Compliments for the article. I think you have to (1) correct the link Forum Iulii (now related to the french locality) and (2) add Tergeste. But, if with Forum Iulii you meant Friuli Venezia Giulia, of course point (2) is not necessary, but the name is not correct. Forum Iulii is the ancient name of Cividale, a little town in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia - for which region, unfortunately, I do not know the latin name. An other doubt: lingua slovena or slovenica? Pls accept my notes as constructive criticism, not as a reproach. IzTrsta from slo wiki.
- Zdravo! Thanks for the criticism. By Forum Iulii I meant the region Friuli Venezia Giulia. I found the correct page and changed the links accordingly. With the terminology lingua slovena I am also not quite sure, but since this term is coherently chosen throughout the whole Latin Wikipedia I did not want to make an exception (yet). I'll keep my eyes open.
- Also, the article is still far from providing adequate information on the subject of the Slovenian language and will thus require a lot of work. Please contribute if you like.
- See you around.--Christian Kotnik 16:14, 12 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Hochladen von Bildern
[fontem recensere]Danke, dass Du ein Bild hochgeladen hast. Zwei Bitten habe ich aber in diesem Zusammenhang:
- Bitte lade zukünftig Bilder nicht direkt in die lateinische Wikipedia hoch, sondern auf Wikimedia Commons. Der Vorteil: Bilder, die in Commons hochgeladen sind, können ohne weiteres in allen Wikipedias verwendet werden (natürlich auch hier in der lateinischen).
- Es ist aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen unbedingt nötig, bei hochgeladenen Bildern die Quelle und die Lizenz anzugeben, sonst müssen die Bilder gelöscht werden. Nähere Informationen findest Du unter de:Wikipedia:Bildertutorial und commons:Commons:Erste Schritte. Ich habe diese Informationen nun (zumindest rudimentär) für Dich nachgetragen.
Danke und weiterhin viel Spaß in der lateinischen Wikipedia! --UV 21:21, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Eine Änderung habe ich nach Grammatik-Studium noch gemacht: sexaginti in sexaginta (undekliniert) abgeändert. Jetzt müßte es stimmen. Alex1011 21:44, 20 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Your account will be renamed
[fontem recensere]Hello,
The developer team at Wikimedia is making some changes to how accounts work, as part of our on-going efforts to provide new and better tools for our users like cross-wiki notifications. These changes will mean you have the same account name everywhere. This will let us give you new features that will help you edit and discuss better, and allow more flexible user permissions for tools. One of the side-effects of this is that user accounts will now have to be unique across all 900 Wikimedia wikis. See the announcement for more information.
Unfortunately, your account clashes with another account also called Christian Kotnik. To make sure that both of you can use all Wikimedia projects in future, we have reserved the name Christian Kotnik~lawiki that only you will have. If you like it, you don't have to do anything. If you do not like it, you can pick out a different name.
Your account will still work as before, and you will be credited for all your edits made so far, but you will have to use the new account name when you log in.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Keegan Peterzell
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation
03:12, 18 Martii 2015 (UTC)
Nomen novum tributum est
[fontem recensere]Si hoc novum nomen tuum est, potes pristino nomine uti ut certior melius fias. Si novum nomen tibi non placet, potes tuum deligere. Utere hoc situ: Specialis:GlobalRenameRequest. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
09:23, 19 Aprilis 2015 (UTC)