Disputatio Usoris:Insaneinside
My latin isn't so good, so hoping that you understand English I just wanted to say welcome to wikikipedia latin, and I hope you enjoy contributing here. Alexanderr 23:33, 15 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
Meines latein ist nicht gut, so Ich werde Sie in Deutsch grüßen. Willkommen auf der lateinen Wikipedia; Ich hoffe Sie viele Spaß haben, wann Sie traegen hier. Alexanderr 23:33, 15 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
Salve, Insaneinside!
Gratus aut grata in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.
Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:
- Ops nexusque usoribus novis ( ca, de, en, es, ia, it, ru, ro, no, tl, eo)
- De orthographia ( ca, en, es, tl)
- Enchiridion interpretis (Anglice scriptum)
- Taberna
- Lexica Neolatina
- Lexica Latina interretialia
- Fontes nominum Latinorum ( ca)
- Fontes nominum geographicorum
- Index formularum
Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, roges in nostra Taberna, vel roges unum ex magistratibus directe.
In paginis encyclopaedicis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis --~~~~
, quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!
--Iustinus 01:06, 16 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Since you have asked for corrections, I thought I'd make some comments here:
- Salve, mi amici! should read either Salvete, mei amici! or Salve, mi amice!.
- Nomen meum is grammatically fine, but it's more idiomatic to say nomen mihi.
- Collin Sutton you might want to look into people named Colin who wrote in Latin over the centuries, if you're interested in a Latin form of your name. A cursory look turns up an 1893 book by Colin Muset, who went by Nicolaus, and a 1966 one by Colin Hardie, who went by Colinus. We could probably turn up more wiht a little looking around.
- magnissima should be maxima.
- duomillia et quinque: names of years are given in the ordinal form, so it should be [anno] bis milesimo quinto.
- scitus: should be feminine, and it might be better to use nota, cognita or better yet dicta "called."
- Eo ad should probably be some more specific turn of phrase, like studia persequor apud....
Overall, you did a good job, and I am impressed with some of the errors you didn't make. Welcome aboard! --Iustinus 01:30, 16 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks for the welcome, and especially the corrections; some, however (in particular the gender/number/case agreement ones) I would not have made but for my absentmindedness. Translating from Latin is my strength, at the moment. --Insaneinside 23:18, 29 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
A matter of style and nuance more than anything, but perhaps cohortur ut indicas might be more exact than just dicas. Let me know if I can help you in any way, I'm kind of in the same boat of having strong translatory skills but being new to composition, but I might have a little head start on you.--Ioshus Rocchio 00:20, 30 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)
- One more thing...Trust Iustinus, with me anyways, so far he's been generous with both his knowledge, which is ample, and his time, which might not be so ample, and has been quite patient with my mistakes, which have been numerous.--Ioshus Rocchio 00:23, 30 Ianuarii 2006 (UTC)