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Disputatio Usoris:Mafrius

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E Vicipaedia

A belated welcome to Vicipaedia!

Sorry my Latin is rusty and my Portuguese didn't get far despite many hours spent with a Brazilian astronomical book that found its way to en:Dunedin. If you add a Babel template to your user page, I will have a better idea of which language would be best for me to use with you. Copy and adapt mine if you like.

I hope to enjoy many more of your contributions!

Robin Patterson 10:35 aug 9, 2005 (UTC)

Thank you for your kind welcome! I really enjoy contributing to this vicipaedia and I will continue to do so in ages to come. Yesterday I wrote about numbers because you had edited a few pages about the first natural numbers, and that got me inspired.
I added a Babel template to my user page now, and you don't need to worry about writing to me in English. I'm curious; how did you get a brazilian astronomical book in New Zealand? Is it from Ronaldo Mourão?
I hope to enjoy many more of your contributions too! :-) --Mafrius 12:15 aug 9, 2005 (UTC)

The book was in the observatory that I frequented in my youth, ie in decennium 196. I doubt if it had an author. From the little I remember, it was mostly tables of stellar or planetary data, with some introductory text. Southern Hemisphere observatories tend to swap information because they are concentrating on the same part of the sky. Robin Patterson 22:42 aug 9, 2005 (UTC)

Ave, Mafrius!

Escreverei em português, já que é nossa língua comum. Me registrei ontem na Vicipaedia e estou muito contente de ver que um dos maiores colaboradores da versão latina da Wikipedia é um brasileiro, e aparentemente também um patriota. Moro em Porto Alegre e estou aprendendo latim aos poucos e comecei recentemente, então resolvi praticar aqui na Vicipaedia. Estudo filosofia academicamente e minha área de concentração é Filosofia Medieval, o que requere um bom domínio do latim.

Parabéns pelas belas contribuições!

Salve, Iosephus Porcarius 03:20 sep 28, 2005 (UTC)

Gratias ago, Iosephe. Estou de férias e tenho tentado contribuir de maneiras múltiplas como forma de retomar meus estudos de latim. Parabéns pelo teu belo trabalho contribuindo para a Vicipaedia. Um abraço, D Ambulans 20:52, 11 Februarii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Acho que precisamos conversar. Deixei uma mensagem sobre a página Brasilia na Taberna. Abraços D Ambulans 15:08, 26 Februarii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Crutus Mafrio s.d.

In matura aetate, te didicisse latinam linguam multum miror quia plerumque, soli qui in schola adolescentes didicerunt hanc linguam cognoscunt.

Nunc venimus in medias res.

Sripsisti multas in Wikipedia utilissimas paginas. Tibi agam gratiam si potes auxilium mihi dare. Nam lungam paginam altri sripserunt pictoris Maurice Boitel de vita operibusque . Quasi per omnem XXum seculum, hic artifex in imperii romani tota occidentali parte pinxit et multas tabulas in Lusitania (Peniche Obidosque).

Et Latine, et recenti italiano et ibero conscripsi paginas. Infeliciter tamen, lusitanam linguam non satis cognosco. Utatis ergo gallice et anglice paginis, de hujus artificis lusitanam paginam scribens mihi auxiliari potes.

Si scribis de M.B. paginas, evidenter nexos cum aliarum linguarum paginis te instituere quoque oportet.

Per casum, Gallice auxilium tibi dare possum. Vale.

Modo conspexi opem tuum in paginam theoriam chordarum scribendo, augmentandoque. Laudes tibi ago. Est articulus bonissimus.--Ioshus Rocchio 23:31, 19 Martii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Is there an english, italian, russian, spanish, or even portuguese source from which this translation came, or is this mostly original work in latin? A font in another language I know (I can fake literary portuguese enough for even that to be useful), would be most helpful in making minor grammar/spelling/syntax correction. I of course defer to your knowledge of the content, I only intend to clean it up a bit, it doesn't really need a whole lot of work.--Ioshus Rocchio 04:43, 21 Martii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, that's even more impressive. While I generally support the wikipolicy of not publishing original work, if you are one of the only people who knows about a subject, I don't know... Information should not be withheld just because of a policy. Maybe you could slip me some of the things you want up there, and I'll translate it for you =]. As for neologizing, I'm somewhere in the middle. It's latin, so it should stay latin, but at the same time, how many thousands of words had to be invented just in English, or Portuguese in the past century, just because such revolutionary inventions and concepts were introduced. Certainly latin, which has been without native speakers for some hundred years, has a bit of catching up to do in the new words department. If neologisms are coined in the same manner as the ancients with care for aesthetic and linguistic sensibility. So far, for me the latin of your article has been quite legible, and I'm slowed down more by the content.--Ioshus Rocchio 01:25, 22 Martii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

De Vicipaedia Latina

[fontem recensere]

Salve Mafrie,

Scribere volo relationem de Vicipaedia latina (pro commentario periodico nomine "vox latina"). Mihi gaudio est, si alias quaestiones respondere vis:

  • 1) Quid est Vicipaedia?
  • 2) Quomodo Vicipaedia differt ab lexicis aliis?
  • 3) Quomodo Vicipaedia latina differt ab Vicipaediis aliarum linguarum?
  • 4) a) Quomodo lemmata cum argumento falso vel ficto scripta prohiberi possunt? b) Quomodo lemmata in falsa lingua latina scripta prohiberi possunt?
  • 5) Quam utilitatem Vicipaedia mihi dat?
  • 6) Quas alias paginas latinas in interrete commendare potes?
  • 7) Ullam quaestionem desideras? Aliquas annotationes facere vis?

Gratias tibi ago pro labore tuo, --Lupambulus 16:52, 15 Septembris 2006 (UTC)[reply]