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Disputatio Usoris:Pieter Kuiper

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Salve, Petre!

Gratus in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.

Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:

Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, roges in nostra Taberna, vel roges unum ex magistratibus directe.

In paginis encyclopaedicis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis --~~~~, quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" fieri velle!

--Ioscius (disp) 06:14, 5 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

Salve Petre! I notice that you always seem to use Svecia as a name for Sweden, but there seems to be little on the internet saying this is a legitimate name, English Wikipedia page Svecia even saying it is a modern invention from Suecia, the form we usually use, which is backed up by Dr Graesse's Orbis Latinus. Do you have a source for Svecia? --Harrissimo 14:50, 12 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I suppose that there is this, but it is always best to link pages to the article name, not to a redirect page e.g. X est pars [[Suecia|Sueciae]] is better than having to link through a redirect page for Svecia. I will put Svecia as an alternative name for Sweden on the Suecia page for you. --Harrissimo 14:55, 12 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Redirects are no problem, certainly not in case of variant spellings. I do not really know if these are two spellings. That depends on whether one regards U and V as separate. In inscriptions here I tend to see "SVECIA". /Petrus Kuiper 16:36, 12 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I suppose it's no big thing about the redirects, since i've seen Suetia around, too. But I still think it is better to broadcast the 'correct' version (Suecia) than Svecia to people, since Svecia seems to be a very uncommon alternative name. In Vicipaedia, we always make U and V separate and there has been quite a big discussion recently about whether we should just use letter U or use U, V, I and J. But at the moment it is just I, U and V, unless we are doing quotes, where we would write "QVINQVE VILLAE" etc, which are supposed to be the correct thing to do in Latin. I'm guessing you may have seen SVECIA somewhere as one of these and so it would be Suecia without caps. We also use Suecice and Lingua Suecica rather than Svecice etc. --Harrissimo 17:00, 12 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]