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Disputatio Usoris:Shultz~lawiki

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E Vicipaedia

Welcome to the Latin Wikipedia,

if you have any questions, please ask in the Vicipaedia:Taberna or put your questions on my talkpage. Here is the official welcome ...

Salve, Shultz~lawiki!

Gratus aut grata in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.

Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:

Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, roges in nostra Taberna, vel roges unum ex magistratibus directe.

In paginis encyclopaedicis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis --~~~~, quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!

--Roland2 08:52, 12 Martii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

first car

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Actually not quite. Cinetum is a neuter word, the same form serving for both nominative and accusative singular. Cineta is actually the nominative and accusative plural form of nouns that end in -um (second declension neuters). Your caption actually read "first cars".--Ioshus Rocchio 01:12, 31 Martii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

as politely as possible

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  1. Please do not create unwanted work for other people. I personally have little to no interest in Jimbo Wales, and much less in translating/deleting or modifying in any other way wiki formulae/external links from the english parent page, and I would imagine if anyone else had, it would have been done by now.
  2. If you do not know how to say something, please ask. Most of our users speak english fine and can help you avoid mistakes like Iacobus Cambrius and prima autocineta.--Ioshus Rocchio 23:50, 6 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)[reply]

For the Automatic Teller Machine

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Hi, I've answered on my talk page. --Roland2 07:02, 29 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)[reply]

here we are again

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Leave the Jimmy Wales page alone, please...wikipedia says all sorts of things, like Tupac is alive...you should not believe everything you read.--Ioshus Rocchio 13:32, 1 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have corrected that page twice. If you look again, you wills see it now says, in lower case letters, as is also the neolatin custom, Iacobus Wales.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:02, 2 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, beat me to it.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:02, 2 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dubcat does not mean stub, stipula means stub.--Ioshus Rocchio 13:33, 1 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Latin does not necessarily = roman. Many people used latin, from the wall of hadrian, to the tigris and the euphrates, to moscow, to karthage. They used it for millenia, almost 2 full ones. Over time things changed. I don't know who told you to use roman numerals here, or why you got the impression that they were supposed to be used here, but have a look at Vicipaedia:Numeri_Romani, also see, Vicipaedia:Taberna#Roman_numerals.2Fnumeri_romani, also see, Vicipaedia:Auxilium_pro_editione_(latine). All quite clearly expressly admonish against using Roman numerals for almost anything. They are huge, cumbersome, and unintelligible, when they get large, to someone without significant practice in them. The purpose here is to give information, not withhold it. The ratio, established long before I was around, is that roman numerals actually detract from the clarity of the information trying to be conveyed, because even people who are perfectly fluent in latin are not fluent in the use of roman numerals. Latin is great, roman numerals aren't... just as the alphabet was adopted and hailed as a great literary and linguistic achievement, so were arabic numerals a momumental achievement in mathematical history. We choose to go with better.--Ioshus Rocchio 14:04, 2 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your account will be renamed

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03:15, 18 Martii 2015 (UTC)

Nomen novum tributum est

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09:24, 19 Aprilis 2015 (UTC)